ZHdK analyses entrepreneurial strategies in the creative industries

The third Creative Economies Report Switzerland of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), published on 19 June 2018, is dedicated to questions of a "positive economy": How do artists, designers bundle their opportunities into entrepreneurial strategies? How do they react to a changed environment with new business models? The report provides comprehensive analyses and presents current statistics.

When work models are redefined, strategies are still needed, emphasizes a new study by the ZHdK. (Image: depositphotos)

For the third time, the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK publishes a report on Creative Economies. This time the topic is "Entrepreneurial strategies for a 'Positive Economy'": After the first two reports focused on the creative scene and the interface with other industries, the focus is now on entrepreneurial strategies. The term "positive economy" refers to models and considerations of how artists and designers bundle their various opportunities into suitable entrepreneurial arrangements. Empirically based, the latest figures and comprehensive statistics on the creative industries are published. As in previous reports, data on the number of employees and company size in the submarkets are presented, supplemented by maps of the regional concentration of the industry in Switzerland.

The report paints a multi-faceted picture of this sub-sector of the economy and contributes to the understanding of new business models. It addresses issues around digitalisation and examines how it influences the business models of art and design practitioners. Co-author of the study and Director of the Department of Cultural Analysis and Mediation Christoph Weckerle: "It becomes clear that business models in the Creative Economies hardly separate creation and production processes anymore and thus differ from "conventional" entrepreneurial models." Embedded in the report are portraits of actors in cultural professions worldwide: based on over 120 interviews, they provide insight into diverse artistic lifeworlds and their entrepreneurial strategies.

"Creative Economies Report Switzerland 2018"

The report is published by the CreativeEconomies research venture of the ZHdK, in collaboration with the RISE Management Innovation Lab of the University of St.Gallen. Cooperation partner is the Statistical Office of the Canton of Zurich.


  • Christoph Weckerle, Director of the Department of Cultural Analysis and Communication, Zurich University of the Arts, Co-Curator CreativeEconomies research venture.
  • Simon Grand, Titular Professor and Lecturer in Strategic Management and Management Innovation, Founder and Academic Director RISE Management Innovation Lab, University of St.Gallen, Co-Curator CreativeEconomies research venture.
  • Frédéric Martel, researcher and author, Research Fellow CreativeEconomies research venture, Department of Cultural Analysis and Mediation, Zurich University of the Arts.
  • Roman Page, Data Analyst, Research Associate, Statistical Office of the Canton of Zurich.
  • Fabienne Schmuki, cultural journalist, managing director Irascible Music.

CreativeEconomies research venture. Co-Curators: Christoph Weckerle, Simon Grand. Contributors: Frédéric Martel, Roman Page and Fabienne Schmuki. Editor: Janine Schiller. Zurich University of the Arts, Cultural Analysis, 2018.


The full study "Entrepreneurial Strategies for a Positive Economy - 3rd Creative Economies Report Switzerland 2018" can be downloaded at.

www.creativeeconomies.com and will be available for download in English from 20 June 2018. A French and German version will also be available for download from autumn 2018.


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