World standard for real-time data communication

Automation and networking are basic prerequisites for Industry 4.0, and reliable data communication at high transmission rates is indispensable. Thomas Kruse, Product Manager Network Technology, Smart Home and Security at reichelt elektronik, explains how Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) helps to merge IT and OT into a unified network without compatibility issues

Time Sensitive Networking can be seen as a world standard for unified data communication - a prerequisite for Industry 4.0. (Photo: Adobe Stock © Pugun & Photo Studio)

In order to be able to monitor movement processes in industrial applications in a targeted manner, companies often need to be able to access the data in real time. In view of constantly increasing data volumes, it is therefore obvious to make Ethernet usable for industrial applications as well. This enables uniform data communication worldwide across the boundaries of local networks.

Unify your protocols

However, proprietary protocols that are only compatible with the respective devices often stand in the way of effective networking. In order not to slow down the digitization of production steps, meta protocols such as OPC UA are needed. Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture is a manufacturer-independent, industrial communication protocol. Thanks to the use of Ethernet technology, it enables continuous and transparent communication from the sensor to the cloud. Thanks to the integrated imagination mechanism, new devices can be integrated into the protocol without much effort and communicate with the existing network.

This protocol is made possible by advances in microelectronics: sensors and actuators with their own mini-processors allow universal networking thanks to their open and real-time communication protocol. However, in order to access the data in real time, all devices must be aligned to the same time base.

TSN pushes open the door to real-time communication

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) created such a uniform time basis with the Ethernet standard Time Sensitive Networking (TSN). This protocol regulates data transmission (traffic scheduling) and automates the configuration of individual systems. In this way, it enables companies to synchronize the transmission behavior of data packets from individual devices over time. 

Together with the OPC Foundation's extended communication model, OPC UA PubSub, the bridge could be built and real-time capable applications in the industrial environment could be implemented as generally available standards. OPC UA PubSub accelerates communication even without implementing TSN by being able to send data continuously without having to wait for responses from the recipients between individual messages. This can significantly reduce the load on the network. OPC UA over TSN also enables users to use digital certificates and thus generate a high level of security during data exchange.

New world standard for data communication

With TSN, companies can therefore optimally prepare for Industry 4.0. It forms the basis for all IIoT applications. Thanks to its real-time capability, IT and OT merge into a common network in no time at all, and even end devices without TSN capability can be easily operated via TSN networks. As a result, compatibility limits can be overcome more quickly and time-critical plant components can be integrated into the Internet of Things more easily. With Time Sensitive Networking, nothing stands in the way of fully automated production.

Thomas Kruse is Product Manager Network Technology, Smart Home and Security at reichelt elektronik. Reichelt elektronik ( is one of the best-known European online distributors for electronics and IT technology.

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