To the new platform

The new platform bundles scientific and regulatory expertise in the field of nanotechnologies to make it available to Swiss industry. Interview with the head of the project.

Because the opportunities and risks in the area of nanoparticles are still far too little known, a new Swiss platform is campaigning for this. (Symbol image:

In the field of research on nanotechnologies, Switzerland excels in an international comparison. However, when it comes to putting knowledge into practice and fleshing out the application potential of synthetic nanomaterials, start-ups, SMEs and even large companies in Switzerland encounter difficulties. The new independent national platform aims to help them find answers to their questions and problems. Explanations by Peter Wick, researcher at the Swiss Federal Research Institute Empa and head of this contact point.

Mr Wick, to what extent are nanotechnologies an industry of the future for SMEs?

Peter Wick: These technologies are transversal and can be used everywhere. Therefore, start-ups, SMEs and large companies can take advantage of them. For example, there are possible applications in bicycle frames and tennis rackets. Thanks to the nanofillers in the polymer, these products have better mechanical properties, are lighter and yet remain stable. Nanotechnology enables Swiss SMEs to remain internationally competitive with innovative products.

And what about security?

Wick: In the cases just mentioned, the toxicity of the new materials is low because the nanomaterials are incorporated into a matrix and do not enter the air in the form of dust. In principle, potential risks that may arise from innovations must be investigated at an early stage in order to avoid social as well as economic missteps. They are assessed according to two criteria: the time of exposure (exposure) and the degree of toxicity (or hazard). For example, the risk is considered low when people are exposed to a non-toxic material at a high level. We have learned lessons from combustion processes and their soot particles and try to avoid harmful scenarios and promote sustainable solutions as early as possible.

What services does the platform offer?

Wick: The independent platform sees itself as a "helpdesk". When it comes to the transition from research to application, companies are primarily confronted with safety and regulatory issues. There is a considerable need for information on the part of industry. It is difficult to locate the relevant know-how in Switzerland. That is why we have set up our contact point. Our contact point puts the questions of SMEs precisely to the experts who know what is involved in the safe handling of nanomaterials - from production and use to correct disposal - and who are well versed in regulatory matters.

What has the contact point already been able to implement since its foundation last year?

Wick: was launched in June 2018 for a two-year pilot phase. We have already held a first well-attended workshop to introduce the contact point, have been present at various nano events, have built up an extensive network of experts and are active on social media. If, for example, a company does not have the necessary tools or knowledge to measure potential nano-dust emissions, we provide them with experts who can carry out this monitoring.

Who are the actors of this contact point?

Wick: We are a team of four people sharing two full-time positions. Companies can contact us in French, German, Italian or English. We offer the mediation free of charge. Our ambition is to provide SMEs with the best possible knowledge, for example the findings from the National Research Programme "Opportunities and Risks of Nanomaterials" (FNP64) of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - the report is on our website. You can compare us to librarians: We may not have written the books ourselves, but we know exactly where which knowledge and know-how is located and are able to pass it on quickly and efficiently.

What do you do to reach a wider audience with your knowledge?

Wick: We use social media and organise workshops for companies. We are very well networked so that we can distribute information in a targeted manner, for example via the Swiss Trade Association or Swissmem. We take part in various nano events, such as the Swiss NanoConvention, an annual meeting of Swiss and international leaders in the field of nano research and the industrial application of nanotechnologies.


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