The SFOE's Smart Grid Roadmap

We shape our buildings and then they shape us, is a quote from Churchill. But to what extent do we deal with building and energy data? Could it be that digital measurement and monitoring systems are revolutionising our energy industry? The Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE has been following digital developments for some time, for example in the area of "smart grids".

For example, as part of the Energy Strategy 2050, basic principles for the introduction of intelligent metering systems (smart meters) were drawn up. In addition, the national smart grid roadmap was drawn up. It is the roadmap for the further development of Switzerland-wide grids in the context of new and digital technologies. Key points are the use of flexible smart meters and controllable network elements. Such principles are now being incorporated into important regulations. On 20 April 2020, the SFOE presented the "Dialogue Platform on Digitalisation", with the so-called kick-off revolving around the networked energy industry and initial prospects and current activities at the municipal level. At the kick-off, experts such as Matthias Galus, Head of the SFOE's Digital Innovation Office, addressed the barriers, the necessary initiatives and projects, and the regulatory measures to support digitisation ("for decarbonisation and transformation ") in the energy sector. The main statutory objectives (Roadmap 2020-2022) relate to:

  1. The energy industry (electricity/gas; cyber security; digital innovation).
  2. Establishment of a regular, structured exchange between stakeholders, administration and politics to moderate the digitisation process and ensure timely knowledge diffusion.
  3. Analysis of the "cornerstones of digitalisation" (data - cyber - digital innovation) in the energy sector.

Energy industry - what's next?

Although the results are not expected until autumn 2020, the SFOE representatives at the kick-off emphasised the inclusion of centralised and decentralised energy systems. A plant and flexibility register is currently being compiled, and work is being done on data quality and access. In addition, a cost-benefit analysis is to follow and the roles of municipalities, responsibilities and data channels (data impact assessment and security) are to be defined.

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