Dare to take the first steps

All beginnings are difficult, as the saying goes. But this does not necessarily apply to the EFQM Excellence Model. Every organisation can set its own pace on the way to business excellence.

Dare to take the first steps




Ehe EFQM Excellence Model was developed in 1988 by the European Foundation for Quality Management. It is a management model based on the approaches of Total Quality Management (TQM) and a holistic tool for companies to continuously improve their business success. The basis for this is formed by self-assessments, with which strengths and potential for improvement can be identified and stimulated. The Excellence approach is based on eight basic concepts of Excellence, the criteria model and the so-called RADAR logic, an assessment methodology for determining the maturity of an organization.


The path to business excellence takes place in stages. The first step is the commitment to excellence - abbreviated C2E. In principle, any company can start by carrying out a self-assessment based on the criteria model or the eight basic concepts of excellence. This is followed by the identification of improvement potential and the systematic implementation of three improvement projects. The first stage is regarded as confirmation that a company is capable of successfully implementing such projects. In order to obtain the C2E award, the company must undergo an external assessment (validation). In Switzerland, this is carried out by an EFQM validator commissioned by the SAQ Swiss Association for Quality or ESPRIX Excellence Suisse. In a one-day assessment, a company can obtain the C2E 2star award - provided it achieves at least 200 points in the assessment scheme.


As is well known, appetite comes with eating. While the first level focuses on the ability to improve processes, the second level, "Recognised for Excellence" (R4E), focuses more on the performance of an organisation. In this second level, the effectiveness and efficiency of the management system are reviewed. This is done on the basis of RADAR logic. RADAR stands for Results, Approach, Deployment and Assessment and Refinement. In a two- to three-day assessment, an organization can achieve 300 or more points and receive the R4E 3star (300 points), R4E 4star (400 points) or R4E 5star (500 points) award.


Achieving 500 points in an assessment is a real top performance, which is usually preceded by an "EFQM career" of several years. In order to be able to measure yourself against other such top performers, you can apply as an organization for the ESPRIX Swiss Award for Excellence. The patron of this national competition is the ESPRIX Excellence Suisse Foundation. Winners of the Swiss award also qualify for participation in the international EFQM Excellence Award.

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