Swiss TS, Swissi and IWT become Swiss Safety Center AG

Swiss TS Technical Services AG, IWT Institut für Werkstofftechnologie AG and Swissi AG (formerly "Safety Institute") are merging. The three organisations now trade under the name of Swiss Safety Center AG.

Raffael Schubiger is CEO of the new Swiss Safety Center AG. (Image: SVTI press service)

As of 1 January 2018, Swiss TS Technical Services Ltd, IWT Institut für Werkstofftechnologie AG and Swissi AG (formerly "Safety Institute") have been merged into the new Swiss Safety Center Ltd, which is wholly owned by the SVTI Group. For clients and business partners, this means that in future they will have access to an even broader range of services from a single source in the fields of technical safety and risk management, such as

  • Certification of management systems, products and persons
  • Plant safety, assembly conformity, functional safety 4.0
  • Safety calculations, simulations, model calculations
  • Fire protection, occupational safety, health protection, operational environmental protection
  • integral risk management
  • Stationary and mobile materials technology
  • destructive and non-destructive testing, damage analysis

The already extensive training activities will also be further expanded.

As of 1 January 2018, all rights and obligations of Swiss TS, Swissi and IWT will be transferred to Swiss Safety Center AG. The CEO of Swiss Safety Center AG is Dr Raffael Schubiger (picture).

As a company of the SVTI Group, Swiss Safety Center Ltd is part of the competence center for technical safety and risk management. Within this framework, the Swiss Safety Center offers a comprehensive range of services for industry, trade and commerce. These include tests, approvals and inspections in the areas of pressure equipment, welding technology and hazardous goods, as well as conformity assessments. Other services include CE markings and certifications, assessments, expert opinions and specialist training and further education.

The Swiss Safety Center also has recognised expertise in the fields of materials science, metallurgy, materialography and corrosion and prepares damage analyses, expert reports and expert opinions. To this end, the Swiss Safety Center carries out a wide range of non-destructive material tests, either stationary in its own testing laboratory or mobile on site. Loss prevention and fire protection are another focus of the Swiss Safety Center's activities, as well as environmental and occupational safety, health protection, security and risk management in particular.

The Swiss Saftey Center maintains close cooperation with experts in a wide range of specialist fields, is actively involved in standards committees and is closely networked internationally, for example through SVTI's membership of the VdTÜV.

Further information can be found at

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