Swiss cutting-edge technologies at the digital Hannover Messe

The most important industrial trade fair will take place purely digitally from 12 to 16 April. Switzerland will once again be represented at the digital Hannover Messe with a national pavilion. From unmanned helicopters and the use of the latest models of artificial intelligence to tube machine producers, the Swiss presence has a lot to offer, as Digitalswitzerland writes.

Hanover Fair
© Hannover Messe

This year, the five-day Hannover Messe is presenting itself as a digital edition. Thus it remains a central platform for innovation and networking as well as a guidepost in the age of industrial change. With more than 1,500 program items, a comprehensive insight into the current trends in the fields of industry, energy and logistics is offered. The conference program features experts from business, science and politics. 

The themes of this year's exhibition cover eight areas: Automation, Motion & Drives; Compressed Air & Vacuum; Digital Ecosystems; Energy Solutions; Engineered Parts & Solutions; Future Hub; Global Business & Markets, with the Swiss Pavilion being realized in the "Digital Ecosystems".

Switzerland's priorities

The Swiss Pavilion is organised by digitalswitzerland together with T-Link and the partners Swissmem, Industrie 2025, SBFI and Innosuisse. More than 20 companies, institutes and organisations are under the joint umbrella of the Swiss Pavilion.

From 13 to 15 April, Switzerland will be devoting a total of seven virtual appearances to the following focal points

  • Industry 4.0
  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • Robotics and innovation

In addition to the more than 20 companies, institutes and organisations, the experts Martin Hirzel (Swissmem President), Prof. Dr. Roland Siegwart (ETH Zurich & Founding Co-Director Wyss Zurich), Beatrice Scarioni (Vice-Presidency of the EPFL Innovation Park) and Timothy O'Heary (President of the impactIA Foundation) will also appear as speakers. In addition, 25 other individual Swiss exhibitors will be taking part in the fair outside the Swiss joint stand. 

Nicolas Bürer, Managing Director of Digitalswitzerland: "We are delighted to be able to host the Swiss Pavilion at the industrial fair for the third time. Switzerland's presence marks economic and innovative clout and thus makes an important contribution to strengthening and anchoring Switzerland as the world's leading location for digital innovation."

Carl Ziegler, CEO T-Link: "Switzerland offers groundbreaking technologies in the field of Industry 4.0 and with the Industry2025 initiative. Switzerland as a research location, our dual education system and the close cooperation between research and industry make it easier for new cutting-edge technologies to quickly reach market maturity. We will also be presenting a selection of these innovative achievements this year."  

Swiss cutting-edge technologies at the Hanover Fair

Connova AG: The leading provider of innovative lightweight carbon solutions. ANAVIA, an industrial helicopter drone that is considered the most advanced VTOL system, will be presented.

Embotech AG: The leading developer of advanced decision-making software. The integrable software empowers autonomous systems to make decisions by solving complex optimization problems in milliseconds, resulting in significant improvements in safety, productivity and energy efficiency.

HES-SO: The University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland shows solutions on how life in old age can be made easier through the use of artificial intelligence and how illnesses can be accompanied and treated in a more targeted way, even from home. 

Modulos AG: The platform makes it possible to train an AI/ML solution without any data science knowledge by simply uploading data and specifying the target. The platform automatically searches an always up-to-date database of models to find an optimal AI/ML solution. 

NCCR Robotics: A platform for many successful robotics spin-offs. They are developing a new generation of robots that can work side-by-side with humans, combat disabilities, manage emergencies, and revolutionize education. 

Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne SIPBB & Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH leads and supports industry-related and application-oriented R&D. They help generate research investment from abroad and promote Swiss innovations and start-ups.

UniDistance & Idiap Research Institute: With their applied Masters in AI, they have developed a unique program that combines academic distance learning and on-the-job training.

AISA Automation Industrielle SA (Uni Distance): It designs, develops and produces state-of-the-art machines for the production of laminate and plastic tubes. These tubes are used for toothpaste, cosmetics, food, pharmaceuticals or technical products (adhesives).

Press release Digitalswitzerland and T-Link


A limited number of tickets is available at the following Link available.


The detailed program of the Swiss Pavilion can be found at here.


The detailed supporting programme of the Hannover Messe here

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