Swiss Software Industry Survey (SSIS) enters the fifth round

The Swiss Software Industry Survey (SSIS) is the largest study of the Swiss software industry and the only one of its kind that allows statements to be made about revenue and employee growth in the following year. In 2019, the SSIS examines in particular how Swiss software companies are increasing their productivity in order to survive in an increasingly competitive environment.

With the support of the SSIS, ICTswitzerland contributes to a scientifically sound analysis of the importance of the Swiss ICT economy. (Symbol image: depositphotos) 

The long-term study SSIS is conducted by the University of Bern and is the largest study in Switzerland on key performance indicators such as sales, profitability and growth expectations of the Swiss software industry. Thanks to its longitudinal nature, the study also enables forecasts and comparisons over time. Software companies derive a direct benefit from their participation by gaining access to individual benchmarking.

This year, the SSIS will focus on "Productivity in the Swiss Software Industry". The aim is to show how Swiss software companies are responding to falling prices in an increasingly competitive environment. The focus is on the concrete measures that Swiss software companies are taking to increase productivity or reduce costs. The topic was chosen in close consultation with companies from the software industry in order to ensure the greatest possible relevance.

Call for participation in the SSIS 2019

With the support of the SSIS, ICTswitzerland is helping to scientifically process the importance of the Swiss ICT economy and make it publicly accessible. ICTswitzerland invites Swiss software companies to participate in the survey in order to increase the relevance of the study and thus the benefit for companies. Interested software companies from Switzerland can apply under the following Link participate. This year, companies that answer all the questions will receive an individualised evaluation of the results and a free job advertisement on

 The results of the SSIS will be presented at the CNO Panel on October 28, 2019.

The results of last year's SSIS can be found at:

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