Sustainability and international standards: guidelines for a targeted environmental policy

economiesuisse has adopted environmental policy guidelines for the first time. The Swiss business umbrella organisation intends to step up its efforts to promote efficient and targeted measures, for example with regard to resource consumption.

When it comes to the contribution of business, he relies on the innovative power of companies, and he advocates international coordination in the development of environmental standards. (Symbol image: depositphotos)

Environmental policy issues and guidelines are currently strongly shaping public discourse. Climate demonstrations and new popular initiatives are making headlines, and it is not uncommon for their messages to be aimed directly at business. For economiesuisse, it is undisputed that companies in Switzerland have an important role to play in the fight against climate change and in the careful use of resources. However, environmental policy is not a short-term business: if it is to be successful in the long term, it needs a long-term and comprehensive perspective.

"Ecological sustainability can only work if corresponding measures are also sustainable from an economic and social perspective," explains Kurt Lanz, Head of Infrastructure, Energy and Environment at economiesuisse.

Business guidelines for a targeted environmental policy

The "Business Guidelines for a Targeted Environmental Policy" published today were drawn up in a lengthy process with the members of the umbrella association. In future, they will serve economiesuisse as an orientation framework for all environmental policy issues. The strategy outlined therein focuses strongly on using the qualities of the Swiss economy - for example innovative technologies to increase efficiency - for the benefit of the environment. Conversely, environmentally conscious action should lead to a strengthening of the international competitiveness of Swiss companies.

economiesuisse supports state framework conditions, provided they are suitable and necessary and guarantee companies the greatest possible freedom for entrepreneurial action. Particularly in the case of global environmental problems such as greenhouse gas emissions, economiesuisse is convinced that the establishment of international regulations should be promoted as far as possible on a cross-border basis.


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