Suissedigital expands its cyber security check

The online test on cyber security published last year by Suissedigital has been expanded by Wirtschaftsverband. The test, called "Security Check", is now available in two difficulty levels and with instructive fact sheets.


Security Check
The Security Check, shows how security is doing in cyberspace. © Depositphotos, perig76

"In our digitalised society, security in cyberspace is of eminent importance. That's why we have been dealing with the topic of cyber security for a long time," says Simon Osterwalder, Managing Director of Suissedigital, the trade association for Swiss communication networks. In addition to workshops and advice for members, the association is now offering an online test called Security Check, which raises awareness of the dangers of cyberspace.

Two levels of difficulty, two languages

The security check is available in German and French and in two difficulty levels - for beginners (Basic) and advanced users (Advanced). This guarantees that all interested parties can check and update their knowledge on the subject of cyber security. A detailed glossary and two fact sheets, which interested parties can download free of charge, also serve this purpose.

Use in companies and schools

Those who complete the security check receive detailed feedback on the selected answer for each question and an overall evaluation at the end. In this way, the test conveys relevant knowledge that can be used to protect oneself against cybercrime and at the same time offers guidance. The test is therefore particularly suitable for use in companies and schools.

Click here for the test:

Read more "IT security: underestimated dangers» here.




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