Study on digitalization and association communication

Digitalisation is fundamentally changing our communication behaviour. How have Swiss associations adapted to this change? How are they adapting their communication strategy? Answers are provided by the study "Association and federation communication in the digital age - a stocktaking", published by the Association Management Institute (VMI) of the University of Fribourg.

The study "Association and association communication in the digital age - a stocktaking", provides answers in terms of association management. (Image: zVg)

Digitalisation is now everywhere, including in association work. Communicating with its members and other reference groups in real time or keeping a blog is now also part of association communication. Thanks to electronic media, communication has become faster and more direct, and access to information easier. New media do not replace traditional media, but complement them. How do associations tackle this challenge? In order to find an answer to this question, the VMI, in cooperation with Stämpfli, conducted an online survey of member-based NPOs last autumn. A total of 331 Swiss organizations took part.

Digital is on the rise, print remains important

"Unsurprisingly, it is primarily their own website and the electronic newsletter that are gaining in importance for many associations," says Nathalie Maring from the VMI, "other digital channels will also become more important in the future, but to what extent remains to be seen. On the other hand, a replacement of personal communication by digital channels is not being considered by the majority. Traditional print products such as trade journals and traditional advertising are losing strategic relevance, although these are not being replaced by the new media, but rather complemented.

For associations, the selection of target-oriented media is becoming increasingly challenging due to scarce resources. "It is interesting that many NPOs do not manage their communication activities with an overarching, written concept," Nathalie Maring notes, "even though it would make it easier for them to reflect on and continuously optimize their communication."

You will find further exciting findings on Swiss association communication in the detailed final report, which is available now.

Interested? Order a copy of the study at



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