Stephen J. Wright guidebook aims to simplify digitisation

A new book by Stephen J. Wright aims to successfully counter the retail apocalypse. To this end, the expert shows why and how the business world must face up to digitalization. The guidebook is primarily intended to convey practical relevance.


With a new book, Wright aims to "successfully counter the retail apocalypse." (Source: tenplus)

Stephen J. Wright advises companies worldwide on digital and circular transformations, explains the full-service provider active in the field of digitalization tenplus rolled into one Communication.

Wright serves as a Business Transformation Partner for the Zurich-based company.

"With a new book, Wright wants to "successfully counter the retail apocalypse" in the process, the release continues. In his guidebook "Digitizing the Customer Journey", the author explains why and how the business world must open up to digitization.

In addition to essential fundamentals for a company's digital transformation, Wright has practical relevance in mind, writes zehnplus. "Pictorially and understandably Wright tells from his wealth of experience and thus creates a guidebook that provides every kind of company with versatile input for the development of individual digitization strategies."

For this purpose, the author deals with all aspects of the so-called "customer journey" from the search to the purchase of a product.

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