So much for automation

The advancing automation does not stop at municipal and private waste management companies. For the portal Online-Blitzlicht reason enough to dedicate the survey of the year 2019 to this topic.

Data transfer and the creation of invoices or reminders currently make up the bulk of automated work processes. (Image: depositphotos)

From the 32 response forms received on the subject of "automation", Online-Blitzlicht was able to ascertain that the vast majority of respondents expect their companies to become increasingly automated in the next one to three years.

Current main activities

Data transfer and the creation of invoices or reminders currently account for the majority of automated work processes. Internal and external e-mail correspondence, making appointments and producing graphics on the basis of existing raw data follow at some distance.

The question of the extent to which automation will contribute to the satisfaction of the workforce and also bring other positive effects finds a divided response among the survey participants. A two-thirds majority believe that their own work will become more efficient as a result of automation.

However, the skeptics retain the upper hand when it comes to answering the question of whether modernization can reduce errors and promote employee satisfaction. Muted optimism is also evident in the assessment of whether the elimination of repetitive tasks will bring more creativity and innovation.

The respondents' assessment of whether their company is driving automation forward at a sensible pace varies considerably. On balance, those who answer this question in the affirmative are in the majority.

Ambiguous answers

Conclusion: Increasing automation represents one of the great challenges of our time for companies in the waste management industry. The fact that none of the respondents anticipates a decline in the degree of automation shows the importance of this development. What is striking, however, is the large proportion of ambiguous answers, which indicate uncertainty in the assessment of upcoming automation processes.

Waste management companies are therefore well advised to close any information gaps in this regard and to prepare their staff accordingly.

You can find more on the subject of automation in the municipal economy here

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