SMEs in the MEM industries continue to lose momentum

The MEM industry (machinery, electrical and metal industry) continues to struggle for breath due to the strong franc. According to a second-quarter survey by Swissmechanic, around one in two SMEs in the sector is complaining of a lack of orders.

(picture: depositphotos)

The situation is similar with short-term guarantees: More than four out of ten companies surveyed say their production is not secured beyond four weeks. In particular, the recovery in the eurozone is causing many suppliers in Switzerland to go out of business.

In terms of employment, Swissmechanic counts that more than 12,000 full-time jobs have already been cut since the lifting of the exchange rate floor between the franc and the euro. The sectors most affected are metal products, electronic equipment and mechanical engineering.

According to the 1,400-member umbrella association, job cuts have already reached such proportions that only 5% are planning additional redundancies. Other downsizing measures are only likely to take place at 16%.

What also emerges from the study is that, in terms of business performance, the gap between large Swiss companies and smaller firms widened more than ever during the period under review. Large companies assess their business situation as "good", medium-sized ones as "poor" and small ones as even worse.

You can find the entire study on the Swiss workplace under the title "Deceptive calm with over 12,000 fewer jobs" on the official SME site of the Swiss Confederation or here


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