Simon Maurer leaves skyguide

There is to be a change in skyguide's Executive Board. Chief Safety & Security Officer (CSO) Simon Maurer is leaving the civil and military air navigation services company at the beginning of 2018 after nine years.


Simon Maurer is leaving skyguide in 2018, after nine years in his role as Chief Safety & Security Officer (CSO). (Picture zVg)

Simon Maurer is seeking a change of career, skyguide announced today. No details are given of the succession plan.

Mauer has been Head of Safety, Security, Quality at Skyguide since autumn 2008. In this capacity, he was a member of Executive Management. Since then, he has continued to expand the division, and in recent years has placed particular emphasis on information security in addition to flight safety, the statement continues.

As a member of the Executive Board, he has asserted his central function to structure complex problems in a solution-oriented manner and to drive the strategic-innovative development of the company. In his expert function, he is also in demand internationally and in other risk-sensitive industries.

Following his appointment as Senior Executive at skyguide, Simon Maurer is seeking a career change. No details have yet been given regarding his successor.

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