SCM: Almost 160 software solutions compared
Companies struggle with complex challenges in global supply chain management. The right software can be crucial, but the choice is difficult. The "Aachener Marktspiegel Business Software - Supply Chain Management 2025" compares almost 160 solutions and provides a market overview.

The newly published "Aachener Marktspiegel Business Software - Supply Chain Management 2025", published by Trovarit AG in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA and the FIR e.V. at RWTH Aachen University, offers a decision-making aid for all those companies that want to gain a competitive advantage with a new SCM solution.
Comprehensive market overview - orientation in a dynamic environment
The updated edition of the market review examines and compares almost 160 SCM solutions from over 130 SCM providers. This provides companies with a well-founded and independent guide for their software selection. The market review examines both specialized SCM systems and ERP systems with integrated SCM functionalities in order to show which solutions are suitable for which company requirements.
SCM software: increasing efficiency through digitalization
Modern SCM software supports companies in a variety of ways: from demand planning to production and distribution control to real-time monitoring of supply chains. Transparency, flexibility and resilience in the supply chain are essential, especially in view of global uncertainties and volatile markets. The market review analyzes the core functions of SCM solutions and provides companies with a systematic basis for comparison and evaluation.
Practical assistance for software selection
The large number of SCM solutions on the market does not make it easy to decide which software to use. The market review shows which solutions are particularly suitable for specific requirements and provides a structured methodology for the reliable and efficient selection of SCM software. The analysis is based on key criteria such as functionality, user-friendliness, integration capability and investment security.
The market overview is now available at can be purchased.