Brave new world of learning

Anyone looking for answers will find them in abundance online. The web is both a fun channel and a gigantic knowledge platform. Classic methods and tools get an exciting, interactive topping in the context of teaching and learning. How are the new possibilities being used by companies and individuals? In the following, we compare when it makes sense to cram independently online and when a face-to-face meeting should not be dispensed with.

Brave new world of learning



Digital teaching and learning
Who hasn't solved everyday problems or learned something new with the help of a "how-to video"? You might think that with the abundance of e-books, tutorials, webinars, podcasts, apps, wikis, blogs, virtual reality, augmented reality and holographic learning tools, the classic book has had its day. Learning and teaching on new portals is complex. Producing learning content of any kind needs to be learned: selecting topics, researching, condensing, writing scripts, filming, editing, setting to music - all in all demanding areas.

Further training during personal meetings
With the abundance of possibilities, the impression could arise that the tools mentioned are sufficient for training and further education. But where people meet, friction arises - and thanks to them, creativity. The focus is on soft skills: people approach each other informally and get to know each other from a new perspective. Decentralized teams work together to formulate goals - an important element in promoting interpersonal relationships within the company. In the context of simulations, group work and 1:1 coaching, it is precisely the situational spontaneity that generates new impulses and ideas. When meeting in person in a new environment, social competence, bonding, trust and empathy develop. Be it at a training course, conference, seminar, get-together, networ-king aperitif or team building event.

The right mix makes the difference
The respective use and the weighting of e-learning and face-to-face meetings are decisive for sustainable learning success and the project goals. Even if certified digital learning media are on the rise, they can hardly replace teachers, coaches or instructors with their individual knowledge. Especially in the Swiss market, where the service industry has the highest share, training and further development of soft skills will probably maintain their importance. With this in mind, we wish you good teaching, good learning and good success in the future.


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