Report cyber incidents urgently

Cyber incidents can now be reported to the Confederation's National Cyber Security Centre via a user-guided reporting form. The federal competence centre has also refreshed its website.

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The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is the Confederation's competence centre for cyber security and the first point of contact for the economy, authorities and the population on cyber issues. For about a year it has been taking voluntary reports about cyber incidents, analyses them and provides the reporter with assistance on how to proceed. Until now, this service was offered by means of a simple form on the website.

New reporting form with first assistance

User-friendliness and direct added value for the reporters were the focus of the further development of the reporting form, as the NCSC emphasises. The reports are now user-guided. By answering a few questions about the cyber incident, the reporters are automatically directed to suggestions for further action and receive initial assistance. The final indication of further information enables the NCSC to offer the reporters even better support if required, according to the statement. The information would also make an important contribution to quickly identifying trends in incidents, creating a complete cyber situation picture and taking appropriate countermeasures.

Website with new user guidance

At the same time, the NCSC website was also revised. With an optimized user guidance and the subdivision into the user groups "Private", "Companies" and "IT Specialists", visitors to the website should be able to find the relevant topics more quickly. The new world of images will also be used for the first time when the website goes live. Photos of phenomena and topics, the pictograms for the target groups and the reporting form, as well as the thematic graphics on the homepage have been designed.

Source: NCSC

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