Reduce procurement costs

In future, retirement and nursing homes will be able to save time and costs and concentrate more on their core task: the care and support of residents. This is made possible by a digital service platform that optimizes the procurement process for medical consumables.

Procurement cost reduction



In the relevant specialist literature for materials management, it can be read that the actual process costs (supplier selection, order processing, logistics) can sometimes be twice the value of the goods. The reasons for this are complex: The selection of suppliers takes a lot of time and the article assortment needs to be maintained. Often there are several suppliers involved, which means a large number of orders and deliveries, plus the high cost of invoice processing. And by no means every patient simply needs a standard product: the patient-specific ordering and distribution increases the effort even more. With so much administrative work, the core task falls by the wayside: patient care.

More time for core tasks
The measures are obvious: fewer suppliers, a streamlined range, a patient-specific ordering system, consolidated delivery of the entire range with fewer goods receipts, optimized internal logistics processes and possibly even a service for stock clearance. This wish was the command of the Swiss manufacturer of medical consumables IVF HARTMANN AG: In October 2017, the Neuhausen a. Rheinfall-based company launched a digital procurement platform called HARTMANNeasy. Through a centralized and optimized ordering of all medical consumables, a consolidated delivery and a consolidated monthly invoice, the logistics processes are optimized in such a way that the nursing staff can focus more on their core task, the care. In addition, costs can be saved in the long term. "Thanks to process optimizations and HARTMANNeasy, we have been able to reduce our costs and administrative efforts in connection with the entire ordering process and inventory management by a good third," says Ingrid Markart, General Manager of the PeLago nursing home near Rorschach. "We used to have too many different suppliers, often had to pay small quantity surcharges, and had many warehouses. Accordingly, many people were involved, but no one had a complete overview. Duplications and 'paper economy' were the result."


HARTMANNeasy can be tailored to the needs of the respective recipient. The simplest variant: The order of one or more goods recipients is delivered directly to the central warehouse at a central address. The order is marked with the individual goods recipients and can thus be assigned directly. Optionally, this central warehouse delivery can also be sorted according to wards, and for a service surcharge of 10 percent, a single-carrier service is also possible: The single-carrier service comes at an agreed time, unpacks the goods and delivers them directly to the individual wards. This relieves the staff to the maximum and leaves even more time for care.

Additional modules launched
But that's not all: In order to improve internal processes in nursing and care homes, the HARTMANN easyCare module was developed. This is a digital resident and ward management system. Customers can use it to plan a week for each resident or ward and order products digitally. They are supported by a wide range of functions such as automatic order suggestions, generation of distribution lists or customized delivery options. Of course, easyCare is directly connected to the HARTMANNeasy procurement platform. More than 95 percent of the medical consumables and hygiene products required in a nursing home can be found on this platform. Not only products from IVF HARTMANN AG are offered, but also from other suppliers.


The latest addition is an automated shelf management system for clinics and hospitals. The HARTMANN easyShelf solution controls the ordering and logistics process via sensors and automatically triggers the required order according to predefined parameters. If required, the products are also placed directly on the shelves. Here, too, the nursing staff is freed from some of the administrative tasks and can devote more time to care. Thanks to the link with HARTMANNeasy, the tool can also be used for warehouse management and inventory tasks.

Optimizing everyday care through digitization
"The digital service platform is to be continuously optimized and expanded in the future based on the experience gained in order to satisfy our customers in the long term and in a spirit of partnership," says Edward Mulder, Head of Digitalization at IVF HARTMANN AG (see interview). Such innovations can make a significant contribution to the sustainable restructuring of the Swiss healthcare system, for example by helping to reduce procurement costs.


How did the implementation at PeLago go? Ingrid Markart found it important to involve her staff in the evaluation of the solution from the very beginning. "The staff announced what didn't work in surveys and assessed suggestions for improvement themselves." That's why acceptance among users is ensured today, and the solution works without any problems. Even more: Ingrid Markart sees the successful introduction of HARTMANNeasy as an element of solid quality management.

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