Rationalise l'industrie à l'échelle mondiale

The logistics chains of the large industrial groups are as dispersed around the world as their customers. Nevertheless, clients react quickly when they need parts or services. If they do not necessarily expect all the parts to be available immediately, they require reliable information on the delivery dates or the intervention periods planned, and they want to be sure that they will receive the good product or the service they have requested. This is precisely where the main challenge for businesses lies, in a global context where the costs are naturally increasing due to the interaction between a large number of suppliers.

Rationalise l'industrie à l'échelle mondiale


Today, an industrial product is made up of a large number of different components that circulate through the company and its network of suppliers. Within the organization, each product reference follows its own course. Le fabricant utilise des références de produit uni fiées à son niveau, tout comme les supplynis seurs. In the automotive sector, the major manufacturers have certainly demanded that their suppliers use the manufacturer's reference numbers. However, the difficulties began when the constructors wanted to have direct access to the supplier's computer system in order to consult the availability of the parts. At the end of the day, it was difficult to obtain a transparent and unified vision.

Une vision unifiée des stocks de produits et composants
For the maintenance of their products, and also for the development of new products, companies therefore need a unified and transparent vision of their stocks of products and components, and this all along the logistics chain. In this way, they can avoid transport problems and the suppliers' capacity to deliver, while increasing their efficiency. In order to achieve a single vision, manufacturers and suppliers must use a centralised research and analysis tool such as Sinequa, which will be connected to the information systems of the companies that cooperate with them. It is by this means that the engineers, the commercial service and the after-sales service have access, on the basis of their authorisations, to all the information relating to production, the suppliers' sites, etc., whatever the format of the data and the reference used (ERP, MDM, data warehouse, CRM, etc.).


In the design phase, the manufacturer checks with a supplier the availability of parts corresponding to specific specifications. À son tour, le supplier (s'il est impliqué dans le processus de conception) prnaissance des pièces dont le fabri cant a besoin pour son nouveau produit. En phase de fabrication, le fabricant peut consul ter ce qu'il a acquis auprès de quel supplier et pour quel site de production. He can also check the quality of what has been delivered and any defects that have been found. In addition, it can calculate the cost of supplying the same parts to a more reliable supplier or even study the options available in the event of the failure of a supplier. It is possible to view the different suppliers of the necessary parts and the quantity they have in stock or, in this case, the production deadline for these parts, as well as the duration of the transport to the production site, etc.

La clé, c'est l'information
The engineers receive information on the specifications of the components and the time between two breakdowns (MTBF), the dates of the end of life of the products and the breakdown reports or error messages. Puisqu'ils savent qui a déjà utilisé telle ou telle pièce, ils peuvent tirer des enseignements de l'expérience de leurs collègues. In fact, when a component is found to be defective during production, engineers often spend a lot of time trying to determine who made the initial design. They can create alerts to obtain information on specific parts quickly. Ainsi informés, ils sont plus à même de se conservrer à la fabrication de leurs produits et de respecter les délais.


The supplier extracts from the CRM system, the maintenance system or the manufacturer's data warehouse the information concerning the number of parts purchased that enter the production process, the customer's opinion, the statistics on defects, etc. It is clear that the whole world is not entitled to consult all of this information. It is quite clear that the whole world is not able to consult all of this information. The various suppliers cannot, of course, see how their competitors' products are used or how they rank in terms of quality.


The commercial service of the supplier knows at what moment a client needs a specific version of a product (a product) and who is his interlocutor for providing more information. Ainsi, les clients font face à un représentant commercial qualifié à même de les aider à prendre la bonne déci sion. The après-vente service must also be well aware of the problems encountered previously and know how to identify and resolve them in order to respond effectively to the clients' requests for assistance. Finally, a unified vision of the logistics chain enables maintenance staff to know immediately which parts present a problem and how it can be solved.

Accès spécifique à l'information pour chaque service
This unified vision allows us to obtain more detailed information on data, to provide precise delivery deadlines and to deliver on time. Tous les services et partenaires de la chaîne logistique sont associés pour optimiser l'efficacité du site de production. Despite the geographical dispersion of suppliers and customers, the company is able to react more quickly and more flexibly to fluctuating market conditions. At the same time, it sees itself opening up new opportunities once it manages to identify, through all the data sources, the products and components that are on offer and in demand internationally.


In the final analysis, the management of the logistics chain is based on access to relevant information. It is precisely because a large number of applications are needed to manage the data at the various levels of the chain that it is necessary to have a single view of all the applications that create and manage the data on products, suppliers and customers. Or, il est possible d'installer un logiciel de recherche et d'analyse cognitive dans un environnement Big Data pour obtenir cette vision unifiée. Le logiciel reconnaît les relations entre des informations qui ne sont pas explicitement liées entre les différents systèmes et calcule des corrélations statistiques entre les pièces et les produits finis (dans le domaine de la qualité) ou entre les descriptions (texte) des pièces et les spécifications provenant de la phase de conception. C'est ainsi que la recherche et l'analyse cognitives jouent un rôle essentiel de levier pour rationaliser et optimiser la chaîne logistique de l'entreprise.

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