"Quality not because of us, but with us".

André Grieder, Head of Quality Management at BWT Aqua in Aesch/BL, is convinced: "Q systems should not be managed in a separate department, but should be closely networked with day-to-day business.

"Quality not because of us, but with us".



Mistakes are the shot of extra fertilizer for the healthy soil of operational development. Let's take mistakes as an opportunity for improvement: standardized solutions simplify the operational process, high time for proactive quality management!

Can it get any better than this? Always!
André Grieder underlines this from his own experience as Quality Manager at BWT Aqua AG in Aesch/BL. His company has been dedicated to the best water quality since 1952. A clean business: As part of the international BWT Group, BWT Aqua AG is mainly responsible for the construction of water treatment plants for the pharmaceutical industry throughout Europe.

Pharma? Enormously delicate customers
Do you have to be afraid of high industry standards? Grieder denies: "Our customer satisfaction is above average. And yet our people are allowed to make mistakes. That is also the attitude of the management.


"Why does this work and move us forward? At BWT Aqua, people are not afraid to share openly and honestly. There is no pigeonholing in our process system." In plain language: At BWT Aqua AG, there are no outdated or invalid documents because nothing is forgotten or hidden. The key element on the way to such transparency: an electronic quality manager. It never sleeps, sees everything, forgets nothing and is absolutely neutral.

Decision for the number one
André Grieder chose the market leader IQSoft from IQS AG in Zofingen for this task: "I was at a conference in 2007 - at that time still as a buyer. And there was a Mr. Rippstein from IQS AG there who presented IQSoft quite neutrally. He didn't try to actively sell it at all. I liked that."


Just at that time, Grieder, a purchaser, received an unusual request from his management: "Could you imagine setting up our quality management system on a part-time basis? Grieder could, and he made IQSoft his tireless assistant.

Quality as a team matter
Soon twelve years later - the part-time job has become a full-time job, not least thanks to the integration of the pharmaceutical department - An dré Grieder gives his quality management software high praise: "With a total of 150 employees, it was good to have IQSoft. And today - we are 330 people and have large pharmaceutical orders - I wouldn't want to do without the software."


Unusual: BWT Aqua has not even attempted to ensure company quality in a small circle. Eight quality teams, each consisting of three to six process owners, ensure continuous optimisation. In total, these teams meet about 100 times a year - both individually and across departments. "And there is always someone from management present. This guarantees all parties an undistorted view of the big picture.

IQSoft for education and training
All new employees undergo an introductory programme lasting several days, which takes them through all departments. According to André Grieder, the "newcomers" appreciate this opportunity to get to know BWT Aqua in detail. Three to seven people do this every month and "they are then also with me. After a brief introduction to our QMS, I hand them the keyboard and say: 'So, now enter a message with IQSoft'. That always works. No training is needed for CIP with IQSoft." In addition, all employees of the company train themselves in self-study, depending on their function. Can this work? Grieder explains: "We invite the employees to self-study. IQSoft allows us to control all pending tasks. Completed studies are digitally signed by the participant, unfinished studies are reminded. He takes responsibility for his competence."


Wouldn't it be easier to train everyone together? Here the answer is clear: No! "It often happens that a new team member has to work through 20 extensive documents at once. After all, BWT AQUA has a good 150 work instructions and 1100 documents, including standards and more.


"On the other hand, we have a good 150 people in our team of 330 who almost always work off-site - mostly in service for pharmaceuticals, catering and building services. You can't train them all together! And if you could, presentations are much more expensive than self-study.


"Think of it this way, with IQSoft and the IQSoft Educ2 module, I can see a whole bunch of unfinished training and follow up right away. Everything on the dot. Without IQSoft, we had 70 pages of open training. And they were so diffusely recorded, I can't even tell you what our savings are today with IQSoft in that area."

Certifications, equipment, test equipment?
Everything under control BWT Aqua AG is continuously audited according to the latest and strictest standards, which are easier to pass thanks to IQSoft.


Hans-Peter Kost, Chairman of the Board of IQS AG, is not surprised: "IQSoft started with the audit module. Today, in addition to flawless document and process management or optimization and improvement management, training control or, for example, a module for the comprehensive maintenance of all operating resources are naturally part of it."


André Grieder nods: "We've recorded around 870 elements. From ladders to temperature gauges or clean room probes, from lifts to emergency cases: everything is in there."

"Dranne bliibe, dranne bliibe, dranne bliibe!"
Michelle Hunziker once shouted it at us on TV, and every qualification manager can confirm: Persistence pays off. André Grie der mentions a "house number" that is often mentioned in the industry: two to three years. That is how long it takes to change "the system" in a larger department. He experiences this intensively because BWT Aqua maintains individual message types for different departments (logistics, purchasing, customer service, etc.).

Five-figure success
This division has proven itself: "We have over 10,000 notifications thanks to the IQSoft 'Opportunities for Improvement' module". A nice difference to the previous "complaint system" without IQSoft, which was hardly ever used: "With IQSoft, writing a message that is definitely NOT forgotten takes no longer than writing an e-mail. But of course: Everyone has to participate, otherwise it's a dead dog. That's why it's great that the entire management is fully behind our quality management."

Grader's favorite tool
André Grieder thinks it's great that he can assign messages to the people responsible for the process: "I see these people as a bottleneck, and that's a compliment. As soon as a message about a product or service is entered repeatedly, they sound the alarm. Under-the-radar pro blem solutions are no longer an issue."


"From my point of view, this CIP, this reporting system, this IQSoft module 'Opportunities for Improvement' are simply strong and an enrichment for all employees without exception. You know, IQSoft was initially a tool for the quality manager. But now it's so deeply embedded that it's much more."


André Grieder's conclusion: "Quality is not created because of us Q-people, but with us."


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