Quality control of gears with involute profile

Gears with involute profiles, which are characterized by their excellent power transmission properties and precision, are widely used in the automotive, mechanical engineering and energy sectors. The exact measurement of their surfaces is essential to guarantee performance and service life.

New guideline VDI/VDE 2612 Sheet 1: Modernized methods for precision measurement of gears now available. (Image: www.depositphotos.com)

VDI/VDE 2612 Sheet 1 ensures that these measurements are carried out in accordance with the latest standards.

The VDI/VDE 2612 Part 1 guideline offers modernized methods for the measurement and computer-aided evaluation of profile and flank line measurements for involute profile cylindrical gears. It makes a significant contribution to the quality assurance of gears in industrial applications.

The guideline describes in detail the methods for determining tooth flank deviations, including profile, flank line, pitch and concentricity deviations. In addition to defining the relevant parameters, it presents the necessary measuring equipment and focuses on computer-aided analysis methods, which are becoming increasingly important in modern production environments.

The guideline VDI/VDE 2612 Sheet 1 "Measuring and testing of gears - Evaluation of profile and flank line measurements on involute cylindrical gears" was published in December 2024 and can be ordered for € 143.20 from DIN Media (Tel.: +49 30 2601-2260).

VDI members receive a 10 percent discount on all VDI guidelines.

Source: www.vdi.de

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