Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 7-8/2006, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
defuse conflicts
Eight typical situations in the company By Hartmut Volk, D-Bad Harzburg
Guide for the Telecom Industry
From quality to business excellence By Erhard Benninger, CH-Schalunen, and Andreas Sommer, CH-Hägglingen
Quality audits
Working on reliability By Prof. Max W. Twerenbold, CH-Winterthur
Understanding Basel II as an opportunity
Risk Management in Banks By Frank Heinicke, D-Heidelberg
The VDA rating standard
Financial stability of suppliers By Prof. Dr. Ottmar Schneck, D-Reulingen
Fitness program for rating
How SMEs finance their companies By Hans-Henning Herzog
Association news
story telling
Creative Quality Management By Karin Thier, D-Heidelberg, and Erwin Hesser, D-Eberdingen
Best Practice - Reference Processes
Systematic process and quality management By Prof. Hartmut F. Binner, D-Hannover
Proof of competence in the automotive sector
Accreditation according to EN 17025 By Prof. Dr. Gaberscik and Margot Wieser, A-Graz
An ideal platform
Balanced Scorecard in the hotel business By Katharina Müllener, CH-Lucerne
The fairy tale of the paperless office By Kurt Grünwald, A-Graz