Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 7-8/2004, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
The "New SAQ"
The MQ interview with Samuel T. Holzach, President of the SAQ.
The benefit in mind
Qualitative company valuation (Part 1). By Bruno Birri, Basel
The phases of the construction
Balanced Scorecard. By Prof. Dr. Claus W. Gerberich, GSBA Zurich
Value analysis celebrates a comeback
Singen is rebuilding its city administration. By Hubertus Felmy, trade journalist, D-Soest
Supply chain survival factor
Restructuring via radical "rethinking". By Dietmar Bodingbauer, ICG Infora Consulting Group GmbH, Graz
The Balance Model
Basis of Quality Communication. By Elisabeth Bachofen, bachofen&partner, Bern
Continuous order and supply chain
E-procurement in practice: kdmz Zurich. By Beat Bussmann, Opacc Software AG, Kriens
Old wine in new bottles?
Collaboration. By Chris Burgener, Proscom AG, Wollerau
Trust is good, control is better
Collaboration Software. By Gloria Sartori Saadi, Managing Director , sidata ag, Ottoberg
How high are Mt.Everest and K2 really?
Measurement technology on the highest mountain peaks. By Fritz Staudacher, Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg
Association news