Issue 9/1999

Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 9/1999, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:


"Due to the large number of processes that were processed at the same time
Karl A. Müller, Stuart D. G. Robinson


Competition: The SAQ is looking for a new name and a new logo

Seghezzi Prize

Winner of the 1999 Seghezzl Prize: Regula Ruflin
Jürg Saxer

Consulting services

"With the team to the finish!" Principles of holistic management consulting
Eric Scherer, Martin Drude

How important is the quality of consulting services?
Jan-Philipp Giiimann, Kilian Maier

Executive Search: Courage for management quality
Anthony van Hoboken

Quality Management

Is it okay to make mistakes?
Fredmund Malik

More social competence for process managers!
Fritz Ospelt

Process management: "Compromises are always counterproductive".
Bnino Birri

Who's Who


Computer Aided Quality

CAQ with standard business software
Regina Gumgowski, Jürgen Fuchs, Matthias Ostkamp, Uwe Windt


Dossier: Orbit, 21-25.9.99




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