Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 5/2005, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
Dangerous vulnerability
Recognizing and defusing financial risks By Hartmut Volk, business journalist, D-Bad Harzburg
What is the problem for SMEs?
Current SME survey By Peter Eisenhut, CH-St.Gallen
Autonomy and loss
E-learning from the employee's point of view By Denise Da Rin, CH-Zurich
Develop competencies
Survey of European SMEs By Hans-Henning Herzog
Association news
Against information overload
Training e-mail communication By Prof. Dr. Klaus Moser, Dipl.-Kfm. Roman Soucek, D-Erlangen-Nuremberg
Make do, don't spill
The three pillars of Six Sigma By Christian Muster, SAQ, CH-Kirchberg
Safety guarantor in medical technology
Quality Management System of Riwisa AG By Beni Krieger, IQS AG, CH-Zofingen
Web instead of paper
Q-Net quality management By Bernardo Egli and Mathias Wegmüller, Unic Internet Solutions, CH-Zurich
Playfully to more quality and yield
The most important steps to increase your own performance By Urs Laubscher, CH-Liestal
Mobile working
Higher efficiency in customer care By Rüdiger Sellin, Swisscom Mobile, CH-Bern