Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 5/1999, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
ISO 9001 at the municipal administration of Quarten
Markus Zimmermann
A quality management system in public administration - wish or vision (WOV)?
Robert Stebler
What drives public institutions to quality management?
Kuno Schedler
New Public Management: Reform of management structures in the canton of Aargau
Angelo De Moliner
More service quality in the municipalities thanks to benchmarking
Norbert Thom, Reto Steiner
Oberuzwil: A municipality does pioneering work in quality management
Ricardo Müller
Innovation through top administrations
Sandra Kohl
Stadtbauamt Zug: Reorganisation and ISO certification
Kurt Herzog
NPM in schools: can it work at all?
Margrit Stamm
Principles of New Public Management in the UAS sector
Elisabeth Michel-Alder
Company and consultant - a winning team?
Gabriel Caduff, Ernst Schläppi
The green side: Environmental management systems - What is important?
Rainer Züst
Dossier: Control, Sinsheim, 4.-7.5.99
Dossier: Municipality 99, 1-4.6.1999
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