Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 4/1999, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
The SAQ balance on ESPRIX
Software development: "We do our best!"
Karol Frühauf
How do you merge the information technology of two companies?
Karl Kocsis, Hans-Günter Hagen
Comprehensive Quality Management In Information Technology
Peter Fürst
CAQ-supported quality management of purchased parts
Wolfgang Bauer, Robert Novotni, Winfried Montnauer
Knowledge - the often forgotten resource in the company
Felix Weber
Software-supported dialogue in financial consulting
Doris M. Reffert-Schönemann, Heinz G. Perren
Financial service providers are becoming increasingly certified 44
Jürg E. Tschanz
EOQ certificate brings advantages in customer relations
Rolf Glaus
Who knows all the safety management systems?
Michael Madjar
Why certification according to ISO 14001?
Hansjörg Ryser
The Green Side; Environmental Management Is Resource Management
Rainer Züst
Dossier: Control Sinsheim
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Obituary: A. Zaiudová
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