Issue 12/2018

Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität" in the 12/2018 issue as a PDF download with the following table of contents:


  • Turning pressure into traction

Industry focus

  • How digitalization is transforming customer understanding
  • ISO 27001 standard as a tool

business excellence

  • Excessive expectations and unused opportunities
  • Optimize strategy implementation

SAQ/SAQ-Qualicon ag

  • Association news

manage risks

  • Analyze and evaluate risks
  • Swarm intelligence in the next seat
  • Beware of pitfalls!
  • How blockchain technology and business work

ensure quality

  • Use Office 365 comprehensively on mobile - but how?
  • "Quality not because of us, but with us".


  • Hanne's consistent application of the GDPR
Category: Single issues

CHF 14.30