Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität" in the Issue 11-12/1997 as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
ESPRIX Swiss Quality Award for Business Excelience
Hans Rudolf Gygax
"Risk capitai is not the only thing a young entrepreneur needs"
Interview with Dr. h.c. Branco Weiss
Tips for setting up a QM system in management consultancy
Markus A. Angst
Congress hotels
Your partner for quality
Advertiser Directory
SAQ Events
SQQ courses and seminars:
last minute
The first TQM coaches
General overview
Alliance partner
SAQ Publications
Controlling using the example of order processing in the construction industry
Ralph Heise
MOTION allows quantum leaps In a TQM culture
Günther Schuh, Mathias Müller, Lüder Tockenbürger
Quality in the law office
Leo Dust
Action Q: Quality and change management at ETH Zurich
Alfred Scheidegger, Oliver Strohm