Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 1/1999, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:
"On the horizon shine stripes of Siiber"
Federal Councillor Pascal Couchepin, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs
TQM means leading through the processes
Interview with Peter Schütz
Methodical implementation of the EFQM model in practice
Georges Vogt, Linus Zoller, Gerhard Klauser
How to guarantee not to win the ESPRiX
Joachim Homer
With "20 Keys" to TQM Success
Heiner Mählck, Gero Panskus, F. Thieme
How do hospitals ensure quality despite pressure to cut costs?
Michele Etienne, Norbert Thom
Quaiity cirkei in schools?
Hans Jörg Müller
Design of experiments allows to break out of limit cycles
Gernot Schneider
What do you mean by "lingering"?
Pilatus Aircraft Works receives AKS Prize
The green side: Can environmental management systems be effective?
Rainer Züst
Dossier: Swissbau 99
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