Prestigious "ICV Controlling Excellence Award 2020" announced

Innovative controlling solutions - exemplary and proven to make controlling more efficient and effective - are honored by the ICV (Internationaler Controller Verein eV) with the renowned "ICV Control-ling Excellence Award". The 2020 call for entries has now started.

In spring 2020, three award candidates will be publicly selected at the 45th Congress of Controllers, the largest controlling conference in Europe. (Symbol image: Unsplash)

Controllers or controlling teams can apply until 31 January 2020. The EUR 3000 prize for "exemplary controller work" will be awarded on 27 April 2020 at Europe's largest controlling conference, the 45th Congress of Controllers (27/28 April 2020 in Munich).

The award winners are selected by an international jury headed by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Weber, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Institute of Management and Controlling (IMC), Chairman of the ICV Board of Trustees. The decision is based on the joint controller mission statement of the ICV and the International Group of Controlling (IGC). The jury chairman explains:

"Exemplary controller work' can give other controllers ideas for concrete improvements in their controlling. Most of these solutions are innovative and show new ways. What is important to us is that they can be implemented in practice. We do not focus on brilliant theoretical solutions. Controlling must have become more efficient and/or effective, not only in the opinion of the controllers, but also of the managers."

Detailed information and application forms are available on the ICV website ( ->The Association ->ICV Awards). Applicants are invited to provide information about their controlling project: The situation before start and after completion; Occasion; Objectives; Implementation; Participants; Experiences; What contribution did the project make to the company's success?

All controllers who have implemented appropriate solutions in the past twelve months are eligible to participate. The project must not have been submitted to any other
submitted nor published by the time the prize is awarded.

Submission of the application until 31.01.2020 at the ICV office in D-82237 Wörthsee, Münchner Str. 8, Managing Director Carmen Zillmer (

In March 2020, the jury will nominate up to three award candidates who will be invited to the 45th Congress of Controllers 2020. The award ceremony will take place on the opening day, Monday, 27 April 2020, and will be a Congress highlight, with the winner presenting the award-winning solution in plenary session to over 600 visitors - controlling experts, managers, consultants, university lecturers and media representatives.

Previous award winners:

Sick AG (2003), Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH (2004), T-Online International AG (2005), Kaufhof Warenhaus AG (2006), Hansgrohe AG (2007), Lufthansa CityLine and Wittlinger Therapiezentrum/Dr. Vodder Akademie (2008), Fiege Group (2009), Federal Employment Agency (2010), McDonald's Deutschland Inc. (2011), Otto Group (2012), Lufthansa AG (2013), EliteMedianet GmbH (2014), RWE AG (2015), Covestro Deutschland AG (2016), Edeka Südwest (2017), Robert Bosch GmbH (2018), Unitymedia GmbH (2019).

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