Promoting power-to-X technologies: Swissmem and SPIN join forces

The two organizations Swissmem and SPIN are teaming up to help power-to-X technologies achieve a breakthrough. The use of power-to-X technologies is necessary to achieve the net-zero target by 2050. The aim of the cooperation is to make a relevant contribution to defossilization, long-term security of energy supply and industrial value creation in Switzerland in the coming years.

Away from oil, gas and other fossil fuels and toward alternatives: That's what power-to-X technologies want. To promote them, Swissmem and the SPIN association are teaming up. (Image:

The term "Power-to-X" (P2X) describes innovative key technologies that can make a decisive contribution to defossilization and thus to achieving climate targets. These are processes that convert electricity, renewable energy sources and CO2 into synthetic energy carriers. P2X can be used to produce solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and chemical products. P2X also includes storage solutions and solutions for sector coupling. The coupling of the electricity, heat and transport sectors is seen as one of the keys to the energy turnaround. 

Association for the promotion of Power-to-X

Since 2021, the SPIN association has been advocating nationally and internationally for framework conditions that promote P2X technologies. SPIN fosters the exchange of experience between P2X stakeholders from business, science, civil society, politics and administration. Complementary to this, Swissmem represents the Swiss mechanical, electrical and metal industry as its leading association for SMEs and large companies. Many of the approximately 1300 member companies are involved with P2X technologies. This applies in particular to companies in the industrial sector "New Energy Systems.. These focus on innovative technologies and applications in energy production, storage, transmission and distribution as well as energy management systems, including sector coupling.  

More power through cooperation 

SPIN and Swissmem are convinced that the use of P2X technologies is necessary to achieve the net zero target by 2050. Therefore, the two organizations plan to join forces and exploit synergies as they arise. Together, they want to help power-to-X technologies achieve a breakthrough. The aim is to make a relevant contribution to defossilization, to the long-term security of energy supply and to industrial value creation in Switzerland. 

From October 2022, the office of the SPIN association will be located at Swissmem in Zurich. Peter Metzinger, physicist and campaigning pioneer, and Roger Sonderegger, Head of Department at Swissmem, will take over the co-management. In addition, a three-member co-presidency and a total board of nine members will be formed.  

National event on 23 June 2022

As part of the action planning, a national SPIN DAY is to be held regularly to bring together the relevant P2X stakeholders and promote exchange. In addition, the cooperation with industrial companies, with science, with the authorities and other stakeholders in the environment of renewable energies is to be institutionalized. And last but not least, public relations work is to be carried out to draw attention to the advantages and opportunities of P2X technologies and to raise awareness in the political arena.  

The first SPIN DAY will take place on June 23, 2022 at the Swiss Innovation Park in Dübendorf ( Speakers include Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga, Head of DETEC, and Carmen Walker-Späh, Head of the Department of Economic Affairs of the Canton of Zurich. In addition, well-known representatives from business and science - for example from EMPA, the German Aerospace Center, Synhelion and SWISS - will contribute to the event. Workshops play a central role at SPIN DAY. Representatives of more than 70 organizations from research, industry, politics, administration and civil society will work out common goals, necessary framework conditions and support measures. 

Source: Swissmem

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