plus305: Finalists of the UN competition for circular economy

Founder of Zurich-based impact marketing boutique plus305 Alberto Jaen and partner Jose Bao are among the finalists in the UN's Circular Economy Competition.

An app developed in Zurich aims to help businesses meet the UN's 2019 climate conference goals. (Symbol image: Unsplash)

Unite Ideas is an international community created by the UN through which individuals, teams and organizations can work with the UN towards the goal of sustainable development through technology.

The competition topics range from artificial intelligence and mobile phone apps to image recognition, data science, cybersecurity and blockchain.

Two months ago, the founder of plus305, Alberto Jaen, and Jose Bao decided to start their HULA swap appThe UNO competition will be open to students who have developed their own projects with great dedication within the Impact Hub of plus305 over the past three years.

Then, a few days ago, the good news: the UNO informed the two founders that their HULA app was one of the finalists for the Circular economy competition heard.
A better and more sustainable future for all
plus305 is committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability, and the sustainable development goals of the UN (SDGs) with its clients. The Impact Marketing Boutique helps innovative companies integrate CSR authentically and efficiently and creates impact communication campaigns for NGOs and global corporations that want to make a difference.

When the United Nations was looking for innovative technologies that could bring about rapid and far-reaching change to improve society through circular economy, Alberto and Jose decided to make their HULA app available to humanity.

If they win, HULA App will be used to help countries, NGOs and UN bodies make SGDs a reality - with the goal of a better and more sustainable future for all. In addition, the app would then participate in the UN Climate Conference2019 experts from all over the world will be presented.

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