Personal certification: Higher requirements for bank customer advisors

The environment in which bank advisors operate is changing rapidly: new trends, legislation, products or the demands of customers and the environment are subject to constant change. In order to take all these factors into account, the contents and requirements of the SAQ Certification Customer Advisor Bank are continuously revised and adapted.

New personal certification requirements: bank relationship managers must be more knowledgeable in Sustainable Finance for their next recertification. (Image:

The important topic of sustainability has been represented in the Body of Knowlegde (Overview of Knowledge Requirements) of the Person Certification for Bank Customer Advisors, which is authoritative for the content, since its inception. In this year's revision of the requirements, SAQ and the banking industry have given additional attention to this element. The topic of sustainability was further deepened in all respects and the requirements for client advisors were additionally increased.

Sustainable Finance as a Competitive Factor for the Swiss Financial Center

Thanks to the collaboration with Swiss Sustainable Finance on the revision of the sustainable knowledge requirements, the goals set have now been achieved and multi-layered benefits can be created, according to a statement to the media. The advisors are equipped for the challenges ahead. Bank customers benefit from optimal advice on all aspects of their needs for sustainable financial services. For the banks, this means even greater certainty that their advisors will be able to find their way around the ever-growing range of sustainable products and provide needs-based advice in the interests of the customer. The increased requirements for bank client advisors on sustainable finance topics meet with approval from the Swiss Bankers Association. "The SBA welcomes the fact that sustainability topics are at the forefront of this important certification. This will make another significant contribution to the high quality of client advice in Switzerland," said a statement from the association. "The Federal Council considers the integration of Sustainable Finance in financial education and training to be a quality feature as well as a significant competitive factor for the Swiss financial center," the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN also said. "The FOEN supports Sustainable Finance education initiatives and enjoys this important development, which allows SAQ certified client advisors* to play an active role in the federal government's efforts to develop a sustainable Swiss financial center."

Complete knowledge level for next person certification

The adapted Body of Knowledge is valid since 1.1.2022 and must be implemented in the certification exams within one year. For existing certificate holders, a wide range of re-certification trainings around the topic of sustainability is available. The SAQ Swiss Association for Quality, the Swiss Bankers Association, Swiss Sustainable Finance and the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN recommend that all persons with an SAQ Certificate Client Advisor Bank update their knowledge on the topic of sustainability as part of the next recertification.

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