Organic products: Switzerland recognises UK certification bodies

Due to its exit from the EU, the United Kingdom has signed an agreement with Switzerland that reorganises trade in organic products. With this, Switzerland also recognises eight certification bodies that can certify products from the island state as organic.

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Trade in organic products between Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK) was previously regulated under the agricultural agreement between Switzerland and the EU. As is well known, this no longer applies with regard to the UK. In its place, a bilateral agreement between Switzerland and the UK has been in force since the beginning of 2021.

Part of the "Mind the gap" strategy

According to this agreement, the island state will continue to recognise Swiss organic legislation as equivalent. At the same time, Switzerland recognises eight certification bodies that can certify products from the UK as organic in accordance with EU organic legislation. The agreement is part of the "Mind the gap" strategy with which the Federal Council aims to ensure continuity in Switzerland's relationship with the UK. It allows trade in organic products between the parties to continue without interruption.

The bio-equivalence agreement is valid until the end of 2022 and will then be transferred to a long-term solution, as the Confederation has announced.

Source: Federal Office for Agriculture

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