New HSLU Director

The Board of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has elected Dr Christine Böckelmann as Director of the Department of Economics as of 1 April 2016.

Dr. Christine Böckelmann (Photo: HSLU)

The Board of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has elected Dr Christine Böckelmann as Director of the Department of Economics as of 1 April 2016. The psychologist with a scientific focus on work and organisational psychology is currently Rector of the Karlsruhe University of Education. She has diverse leadership experience in renowned educational institutions as well as an extensive network. By means of a multi-stage evaluation process, the search committee proposed Dr. Christine Böckelmann. The HSLU chose the Zurich native to succeed Prof. Dr. Xaver Büeler, who headed the department for a good eight years.

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