MPDV event for World Smart Factory Day

The experts were unanimous - digital transformation is needed now. This was also evident at the panel discussion "Digitalization concerns everyone", which MPDV hosted at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Mosbach to mark World Smart Factory Day in September.

From left to right: Nathalie Kletti, Managing Director MPDV Mikrolab GmbH, Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser, DHBW Mosbach, Dr. Andreas Hildenbrand, IHK Rhein-Neckar, Nina Warken, Member of the Bundestag, Jürgen Rieger, Managing Director PPG, Alexandra Gorsche, moderator, Josef Stumpf, Federal Economic Senate of the Baden-Württemberg region, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. (Image:

 "Technology alone is not enough - we must be prepared to accept and use it," emphasized Nina Warken, Member of the Bundestag and Parliamentary Secretary of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, in her opening statement at the panel discussion. "The innovative strength of SMEs will be decisive in overcoming competitive pressure," added Josef Stumpf, Director of the Federal Economic Senate for the Baden-Württemberg region. Jürgen Rieger, Managing Director of Perfect Production GmbH, a company of the MPDV Group, referred to the enormous advantages of networked data in companies and the increasing importance of professions such as data analysts who integrate artificial intelligence and automation into operational practice. Dr Andreas Hildenbrand, Managing Director of the Rhine-Neckar Chamber of Industry and Commerce, also highlighted the potential of digitalization to reduce bureaucracy and make processes more efficient.

Diverse perspectives in a high-caliber panel discussion

Under the motto "Digitalization concerns everyone", the well-attended event in the DHBW's Audimax offered an examination of the future of digitalization. The focus was on the question of how Germany is positioned internationally in Industry 4.0 and what skills are required for a successful transformation. Participants included entrepreneurs, students, alumni and teaching staff, who engaged in an intensive exchange about the Internet of Things (IoT) and the transformation of industry. The panel included the aforementioned representatives from various areas of society as well as Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at DHBW Mosbach. The panel discussion was moderated by Alexandra Gorsche, who ensured a lively debate by asking specific questions.

The panel discussion highlighted various aspects of digitalization from the experts' perspective. (Image:

Prof. Dr. Gabi Jeck-Schlottmann, Rector of the DHBW Mosbach, opened the event with an inspiring speech about the importance of practical education for Industry 4.0. She thanked MPDV, a long-standing partner company that had already made the "Living Lab" at the DHBW possible in 2015 - a model factory equipped with modern IoT technologies that was named one of "100 Places for Industry 4.0".

MPDV and the World Smart Factory Day

Launched by MPDV in 2021, the day of action, which is held annually on 15 September, aims to inform as many people as possible about the importance and possibilities of digitalization and the Smart Factory in particular.

Nathalie Kletti, Managing Director of MPDV Mikrolab GmbH, emphasized the company's social responsibility: "Our goal is to inspire not only companies, but above all the next generation for the opportunities of the smart factory. Digitalization and sustainability go hand in hand and offer a unique opportunity to make our future worth living."

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