Migrate normative management systems

Normative management systems are also widespread in German-speaking countries across all industries and company sizes. In 2015, for example, 52,995 German companies were certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. Certifications have been steadily increasing since the first edition of the standard in 1987. An increasing number of companies implementing and operating a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001 can also be expected in the future [1]. A research project at RWTH Aachen University shows a design model suitable for SMEs.

Migrate normative management systems




The first version of DIN EN ISO 9001 was published in 1987 with the aim of verifying and contractually stipulating quality management in companies. German companies initially feared a devaluation of the "Made in Germany" seal of quality as well as a flood of documentation. After the introduction of the standard, however, Germany took on a pioneering role over time. Revisions of the standard followed in 1994, 2000, 2008 and most recently in 2015. The latest version was published in September 2015 as DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. [1]


To ensure that companies do not lose their certification, they must be recertified according to the new standard by September 2018. The adaptation of the QMS to the new requirements is a major challenge for small and medium-sized companies in particular due to a lack of personnel resources and implementation skills. However, external consulting services have the disadvantage - apart from the associated direct consulting costs - that the individual organization of the companies is not sufficiently taken into account in the implementation of new requirements. As a result of the ISO 9001 revision in 2000, numerous companies lost their certification, which indicates that the QMS was not sufficiently adapted to the changed requirements [1].

Adapt with little effort
Within the framework of the research project "KMU Move - KMU-ferechtes Gestaltungsmodell zur systematischen Migration von normati-ven Qualitätsmanagementsystemen" (SME Move - SME-friendly design model for the systematic migration of standardized quality management systems), a generally applicable systematic procedure for the migration of certifiable management systems is being developed using the example of the ISO 9001 revision. This should enable SMEs to adapt their management systems independently, with little effort and in accordance with the standards. On the one hand, migration knowledge is prepared, which represents the connection between normative requirements and internal company design parameters (processes, documentation, etc.). This knowledge supports SMEs in building up the corresponding interpretation and implementation competencies. On the other hand, a generic procedure for the adaptation of the QMS on the basis of normative changes is developed. This contains concrete procedural modules which offer SMEs the possibility of planning and implementing an adaptation of the QMS systematically and thus with the protection of personnel resources.


The migration system is implemented together with suitable tools in a wiki. The wiki not only serves to present the guidelines, but is also intended to promote the exchange of experiences between companies. The implementation of the research results in the form of a wiki enables inter-organisational learning and benchmarking for the identification of best practices in SMEs. Initially, the wiki will be available to the companies of the project-accompanying committee to use the guide; after completion of the project, the wiki will also be made publicly accessible. By exchanging experiences on the wiki platform, a joint iterative optimization of the procedure can be advanced.

Four phases
The methodology for the migration of normative management systems in SMEs using the example of ISO 9001 is divided into four phases: Analysis, concept, implementation and application phase. The analysis phase includes the systematic derivation of the differences in the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015. The existing requirements of the current QMS are compared with the new requirements of the system to be changed. The identified differences have to be visualized and processed in order to give companies the opportunity to inform and exchange information about new requirements and approaches to their implementation. The results are transferred to the wiki and thus made available to SMEs.


The concept phase comprises the development of a generic procedure model by researching knowledge, methods and tools for the migration of management systems using the example of ISO 9001, in order to support SMEs in building up the corresponding interpretation and implementation competences. The structure is based on the structure that was identified on the basis of the comparison of general management systems. To migrate processes means to implement new process specifications and/or to restructure existing processes with regard to their factual logic as well as to adapt content descriptions of processes, their intersections and organizational structure. In doing so, migration tools are identified that are part of the QMS migration model and whose necessity is motivated by the currently pending ISO 9001 revision. The developed process for migration as well as necessary tools will be integrated into the wiki and serve as a source of information for companies. For future revisions, it can be assumed that further tools and inventories will be required for the targeted migration of management systems. Existing tools and inventories can be supplemented and adapted in the wiki at any time, so that the design model to be developed remains applicable for future QMS migrations.


The implementation phase serves to implement the migration process conceptualized in the wiki in SMEs. For the adaptation of the management system, in addition to the review and creation of suitable organizational structures, realistic goals should be defined and corresponding processes established. In addition, special attention should be paid to introducing employees to the innovations and motivating them for the new form of work, if necessary in the form of a "change project".


The application phase essentially comprises the sustainable updating of the Wiki. It is crucial for the success of the system that the standard-compliant information and data are always up-to-date and reliable. The quality of the information plays an important role, and the knowledge should be stored and accessible in a way that is appropriate for the target group. The focus of this phase is on continuous improvement, in order to always be able to cope with a mi-gration in the event of renewed changes.

Managing knowledge thanks to Wiki
The challenge facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is to adapt management systems in the event of changing normative requirements. In contrast to the continuous maintenance of management systems, migration is understood as a fundamental revision and realignment due to external changes in requirements. With the technical implementation in a Wiki, it is possible to make knowledge, procedures and tools available to all companies. In addition, future migrations of further management systems are made possible through interorganizational exchange on new requirements.


Initiators of the research project are the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT and the Machine Tool Laboratory WZL of RWTH Aachen University. It is supervised by the FQS Research Association.
Quality e. V.



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