Michel Matter newly elected Vice-President of the FMH

The 200 delegates of the Medical Association today elected Michel Matter, MD, as one of the two Vice-Presidents of the FMH. This position had been vacant for half a year. The main agenda item was the adoption of the service structure as the basis for the intended overall revision of the outpatient tariff TARMED.

Michel Matter is the new vice-president of the FMH. (Image: zVg)

On Wednesday, 2 May and Thursday, 3 May, the Medical Chamber meeting of the FMH took place. The Medical Chamber is the parliament of the FMH and is made up of 200 voting delegates from the grassroots and specialist organisations.

Michel Matter is the new Vice-President of the FMH

The delegates of the FMH elected Michel Matter, MD, specialist in ophthalmology, to replace Remo Osterwalder, MD, who stepped down six months ago, as the new Vice-President of the FMH. Michel Matter works as the doctor in charge at the Centre ophtalmologique de Rive. He lives in Geneva and has been President of the Medical Association of the Canton of Geneva (AMG) since 2014. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG). In October 2017, he was elected by the Medical Association to the Central Board of the FMH, where he is responsible for the Services and Professional Development Department.

The overall revision of the outpatient tariff is on track
The overall revision of the TARMED tariff is one of the main objectives of the FMH. As a central concern, the FMH internal project TARCO thus occupied an important agenda item of the Medical Association. Urs Stoffel, MD, Member of the FMH Central Board and Head of the Department of Outpatient Care and Tariffs, provided information on the current status and the further procedure. The Medical Association unanimously approved the service structure (tariff nomenclature) as an important basis for an appropriate and economically calculated tariff. This service structure must now be negotiated with the tariff partners. The aim is and remains to submit a proposal for tariff revision to the Federal Council together with the tariff partners at the end of the year.

The Coach my Career project was surprised by its own success
Will I become a general practitioner or specialist? Which of the 45 specialist disciplines do I choose? Do I turn to curative or research medicine? It is often difficult for young doctors to find their way in the professional environment and to assess the consequences of their decisions. In order to provide better support for future doctors, the FMH (Department of Inpatient Care and Tariffs), the Association of Swiss Assistant and Senior Physicians (VSAO), the Association of Senior Hospital Doctors in Switzerland (VLSS), mfe Family Physicians and Paediatricians Switzerland and the Swiss Medical Students' Association (SWIMSA) have jointly launched the "Coach my Career" project, in which they are also supported by the Swiss Institute for Continuing Medical Education (SIWF).

The medical women switzerland mws were also involved due to their already ongoing coaching project. Experienced staff from the medical profession help the next generation to find a good path to their professional future. The project is aimed primarily at two groups: Medical students in their final year of study and young assistant and senior physicians who are facing important career decisions. But it is not only the young professionals who benefit from the solidarity between the generations. Experienced coaches also appreciate the exchange and have already signed up for the project in large numbers.


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