Swiss TecLadies mentoring program launched by SATW

On September 3, 2022, the Swiss TecLadies Mentoring Program of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW started at EPFL with around 200 people. The 120 mentees, who come from all parts of the country, met each other and their mentors for the very first time. From September 2022 to June 2023, the mentors will be available to the girls as advisors and role models.

Launch of the Swiss TecLadies mentoring program at EPFL. (Image: SATW 2022)

At the heart of EPFL - the emblematic showplace of innovation - the third edition of the mentoring program, which gives girls aged 13-16 exciting insights into technical professions and thus encourages them in the STEM disciplines, was launched. "In order to address the shortage of qualified workers in the fields of computer science and technology, it is important to encourage the next generation of women, who can definitely take their place in these still predominantly male-dominated professions," explains Sandra Weidmann, program manager Swiss TecLadies. Swiss TecLadies works with the Research center in vocational psychology and career counseling (CePCO) of the University of Lausanne UNIL together to give the program the greatest possible impact.

Enthusiasm aroused among the budding Swiss TecLadies

The day began with the plenary assembly in the large hall of EPFL and the welcoming addresses by the head of the SPS Science Promotion Department of EPFL, Dr. Farnaz Moser-Boroumand, and the President of SATW, Prof. Dr. Benoît Dubuis. This was followed by speeches by various well-known female personalities from the fields of technology, computer science and space.

Renowned experts such as Deborah Müller, Space Technology and Industrial Relations Advisor, ESA Technology Harmonisation Swiss Delegation and mentor for German-speaking Switzerland, Eleonore Poli, PhD student and analog astronaut, and Prof. Dr. Monica Landoni, researcher and speaker at the Faculty of Informatics at the Università della Svizzera italiana USI and also mentor for southern Switzerland, took the floor on stage. Those who were there noticed that the verve and enthusiasm in the presentations were able to convince the fascinated audience of their passion for their respective activities. The speakers highlighted the great importance of science for the challenges of modern society and called on the young women to enter these fields in order to help shape the world of tomorrow. 

Fun getting to know each other

After these presentations, it was time for the mentees and mentors to find out their counterpart in the hall. The search was musically accompanied by the Post Tenebrass Band. In the form of speed dating, several questions had to be answered during a few minutes to break the ice. 

After a joint lunch, the mentees were able to participate in programming workshops offered by EPFL's Science Promotion SPS department in German, French and Italian. Dr. Farnaz Moser-Boroumand explained, "To address the current and future challenges of our society, we need scientists and engineers, women and men. That's why it's essential to give girls all the tools they need to build their confidence enough to want to pursue science and engineering careers." During this time, the female mentors took part in a workshop by the RADAR RP agency on the topic of "Communicating better in science" or in an info session on "Being a mentor for a TecLady."

The mentors involved in the program are specialists in the fields of technology, science or even IT and aerospace. They work in a wide variety of companies from all over Switzerland.

Source: SATW

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