Management Systems in Transition: ConSense Announces Another Virtual Expo
How the AI booster for management systems works, why process thinking is WEIRD and what Günter has to do with quality management: That's what the fall edition of ConSense EXPO will show from September 26 to 29, 2023. The free online event is organized by the Aachen-based software company ConSense GmbH.
With practical tips and from unusual perspectives, the ConSense EXPO 2023 to the increasing demands on quality and compliance officers. In addition to suggestions for action and tools for efficient and flexible management systems, the focus will be on current AI trends and efficient QM methods. Special impulses will be provided by motivational trainer, entrepreneur and success author Dr. Stefan Frädrich in his keynote. He will humorously give tips on how to "Günter", our inner pig dogand trained to become a "quality partner. And Stefan Heinloth, entrepreneur, trainer and coach, shows how management can be integrated into an "Integrated Top Management System" in a targeted manner. With "What we WEIRD People can learn from hunters and gatherers," cultural and social anthropologist Khaled Hakami delivers a very inspiring contribution that provides lasting encouragement to look far beyond one's own horizons and routines.
The exhibition program and the possibility to register for the virtual expo are now available on available. Online registrations for the individual conferences are also already available at possible. Participation is free of charge.
AI and communication: What does the future hold for quality management?
Efficient work and successful communication remain the keys to quality management of the future. In "Inspire your management with well-planned management reviews" and "Processes are internal communication", ConSense management consultant Michael Weubel addresses this in particular. The "Acceptance check" for one's own QM system and tips for internal company "QM marketing" complete the toolbox for successful quality management.
With the panel discussion "AI power for your management system" and the QM workshop "Current opportunities and challenges for quality management", ConSense EXPO invites participants to actively exchange ideas among their professional colleagues. Perspectives, opinions and experience reports are welcome and can also be discussed in the digital networking area.
QMS and IMS: From setup to professional user
ConSense's virtual expo has numerous offerings in its program for both QM newcomers and long-time users: from "Introducing a Management System" to measures, workflow, training and qualification management to power user sessions and exclusive consulting hours.
The virtual booths will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. throughout the show, Tuesday, Sept. 26, through Friday, Sept. 29, and can still be visited the following week. Here, in addition to free downloads, live demos of ConSense software solutions will be offered.
Thinking outside the box: Quality thrives on inspiration
"Change and continuous improvement thrive on openness to new things and the courage to break new ground. That is why we have deliberately chosen formats and presentations for this ConSense EXPO that encourage a change of perspective, exchange and fresh ideas. These impulses, combined with many practical tips, accompanied by top-class and experienced speakers, make this QM event so special," explains Dr. Iris Bruns from the management of ConSense GmbH.