Les machines-outils moins énergivores
The machines-outils rarely come to mind when the question of energy efficiency is discussed. However, they are made up of engines and auxiliary components, the energy requirements of which vary greatly during the manufacturing process. Today, a new ISO standard in several parts can help to measure the energy supplied to these machines and improve their design and performance.
Les machines-outils sont des appareils indus triels à moteur complexes, utilisées pour fa briquer des pièces prêtes à l'emploi ou des pro-duits semi-finis. Offering a complete range of tools for cutting and forming metal, wood and plastic materials with all their accessories, these machines are used by companies in various sectors such as the automotive industry, the engineering sector in general, precision engineering, the medical sector, transport, aerospace and the powder and matrices industry. The machines-outils use different forms of energy: electrical energy, compressed air, hydraulic energy, energy stored in the refrosting and lubrication systems, etc. This is why the energy requirements of a machine-outil are considered to be essential information for making investment decisions, without, however, being the only criterion. The performance of a machine-outil covers several aspects, depending on its economic value, its technical characteristics or its functional requirements, which depend on its specific application. Thus, environmental impact is a common objective for all these products and, with the depletion of natural resources, it has become necessary to define environmental performance criteria for machinery and to specify their use. ISO has recently published the first two parts of a new international standard on the environmental evaluation of machinery, which proposes to analyse machinery from the point of view of the functions offered in order to highlight the common points shared by the great diversity of the types of machinery currently available.
ISO 14955-1, Machines-outils
Évaluation environnementale des machines-outils - partie 1 :
Méthode de conception pour l'efficacité énergétique des machines-outils, traite de l'efficacité énergétique des machines-outils au cours de leur durée de vie. Elle identifie les principales fonctions et les principaux com-posants des machines-outils qui déterminent les besoins en énergie au cours de la phase d'utilisation. These components are then compared with the previous generation or with the leading components with a view to their future improvement.
ISO 14955-2, Machines-outils
Évaluation environnementale des machines-outils - partie 2 :
Méthode pour mesurer l'énergie appor-tée aux machines-outils et aux composants de machines-outils, vient à l'appui de la méthode de conception économe en énergie d'ISO 14955-1, en fournissant des méthodes pra-tiques de mesure de l'énergie fournie aux ma-chines-outils.
Ralf Reines, coordinator of ISO/TC 39/GT 12, which drafted the standard, explains: "To my knowledge, this is the only standard that deals with this subject and is specifically intended for machines. It covers the issue of energy efficiency in a way that can be applied to any machine-outil, despite the great diversity presented by this group of products, particularly from the point of view of the technologies used (fraisage, tournage, meulage, laser cutting, forming), the material used (metal, wood, plastic materials) or the dimensions of the products manufactured (production of parts with the size of a dent or cutting of moulds with a diameter of six metres). La norme se concentre sur les principaux éléments consommateurs d'énergie pour améliorer la performance environnementale sans compromettre les possibilités techniques. »
According to the Market Report 2016 published by the Association allemande des constructeurs de machines-outils (VDW), global production of machines-outils reached EUR 67.7 billion. The growing demand for machines and production systems that offer greater energy efficiency is a relatively new challenge for machine designers. Now, with the new ISO 14955 standard, energy efficiency is becoming an increasingly important quality criterion for modern machines.
ISO 14955-1 et ISO 14955-2 ont été élaborées par le comité technique ISO/TC 39, Machines-outils, dont le secrétariat est assuré par SNV, membre de l'ISO pour la Suisse. Elles sont disponibles auprès du membre de l'ISO dans votre pays ou sur l'ISO