L'entreprise à l'ère du Big Data

" La gouvernance de la donnée, le développement de plateforme self-service et la conduite du changement s'imposent dès lors comme des éléments incontournables pour exceller dans cette nouvelle économie de la connaissance. " Ainsi parle Clémence Simmelide, Responsable de Conférence de l'événement Big Data Paris qui aura lieu au 11 et 12 mars 2019.

L'entreprise à l'ère du Big Data

At a time when deep tech is emerging as the new centre of gravity for corporate strategies, when many organisations are tending to leave the PoC stage by positioning data as a key element in their decision-making processes, it is urgent to make data literacy a reality for everyone.


Ne plus faire un sujet de spécialiste
We are convinced that the success of any business transformation project depends on its ability to be used by all the people who use it. At a time when the technological maturity of the sector's experts is not increasing, it is essential today for all organisations not to make Big Data a specialist subject, but rather to position the acculturation of the data as a central pivot of corporate culture by reconciling the user trades with IT. It is therefore essential to build the foundations of this data-driven organisation from now on by putting the appropriate tools at the disposal of employees, enabling them to read, understand, manipulate, analyse and, above all, use these data, thus providing an indispensable advantage for everyone.


Construire une architecture agile
Vous l'aurez donc compris, au début d'année 2019 le déni n'a plus court : les entreprises doivent focaliser leurs efforts sur le déploiement d'une architecture plus efficace, agile et sécurisée pour collecter, stocker et traiter une abondance de données de plus en plus hétérogènes, en temps réel, tout en surmontant les barrières opérationnelles à l'appropriation du Big Data. From the construction of a solid and agile architecture to the development of a data culture shared by all, the data revolution is pushing organisations to reinvent themselves in a permanent test & learn logic by investing heavily in self-service platforms!


Big Data Paris : Un sommet influent
Dans moins de 6 semaines ouvriront les portes du sommet le plus influent de la scène Big Data hexagonale : Big Data Paris ! Pour cette 8e année consécutive, le congrès invitera les figures les plus emblématiques de la filière pour 48 h d'immersion dans le futur de l'entreprise datadriven !


A veritable laboratory of innovation and inspiration, the sommet will show you the in-depth experiences of men and women visionaries from the international economy who, day after day, are reinventing the codes and uses of data within their organisations.


Auto-apprentissage and the development of the professions are elements that are more crucial than ever for success in this new economy. That is why Big Data Paris has developed a focused and open programme to support all companies in this necessary intelligent revolution.

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