Knowledge initiative for digitalisation in the field of legal debt collection

At the Swiss e-Commerce Conference in Baden, the Lucerne-based fintech company tilbago launched an independent knowledge initiative. It is about nothing less than the digitalisation of legal debt collection. Within the framework of seminars over lunchtime, tilbago wants to increase the level of knowledge of those companies for which simplifications with the help of digitalisation are at the forefront.

tilbago's knowledge initiative aims to help Switzerland advance to the top 5 most digitized countries with this simple post. (Image: depositphotos)

The knowledge initiative could meet with a great response. Leading politicians such as President Leuthard are currently aiming for Switzerland to move up from eighth place among the most digitised countries to the top five. In her opening speech at Zurich's main railway station on Swiss Digitaltag, Leuthard said that she was now firing the Swiss digital rocket. In her opinion, the federal government is also called upon to do this - especially in the area of e-government.

E-Government in the area of receivables management

In this context, the electronic Debt and Bankruptcy Act (eSchKG), which offers creditor companies digital opportunities in the area of online debt collection, is particularly important for corporate receivables management. To this end, all Swiss debt collection offices offer electronic interfaces that enable cost- and time-efficient online debt collection.

With its innovative robo-collection solution, tilbago AG has set itself the task of making better use of these new possibilities of digital collection. With tilbago, creditor companies not only receive efficient access to the electronic interfaces of the Swiss debt collection offices, but are also guided through the individual SchKG process steps in the online solution.

With tilbago, debt collection can thus be handled independently online and easily without external collection agencies. The entire debt collection process, from debt collection and seizure to the administration of loss certificates, is intelligently automated as far as it makes sense. tilbago CEO David Fuss explains the opportunities of digitalisation in the debt collection system:

"In the area of legal debt collection, digital disruption has fully taken hold and now enables every company to carry out debt collection digitally and thus faster and more cost-effectively. The modern way to digitally process and manage debt collection is our central concern. For this purpose, we have developed a robo-collection solution that supports our customers along the entire SchKG process and offers great opportunities for cost and time savings. “

Knowledge initiative for the digitalization of legal debt collection

To enable creditor companies to realise these opportunities, tilbago is now supporting interested companies with free workshops throughout Switzerland (see end of text for registration). During so-called brown-bag workshops over lunchtime, interested parties not only receive a free "brown bag" (lunch bag), but above all innovative knowledge about the possibilities of digitalisation in the debt collection system.

tilbago offers answers to the following questions:

  • How does digitalization simplify legal collections?
  • What are the advantages of using the eSchKG?
  • What know-how is required?
  • Why are no investments required for the solution setup?
  • Why can tilbago be used immediately after registration?

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