AI innovation in medicine - CAIM opened

The Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (CAIM) of the University of Bern and the Insel Group with its partners is officially opened today. It sees itself as an alliance between medicine, engineering, research and industry.

Here, an AI tool is being developed to diagnose lung diseases quickly and accurately. © University of Bern

"With CAIM, the University of Bern is investing in the future of medicine and creating attractive teaching and research positions," says Christian Leumann, Rector of the University of Bern. He emphasizes that the digitalization of medicine will trigger the next development push in precision medicine. The President of the Insel Group, Uwe. E. Jocham, adds that the Insel Group aims to become a pioneer in digital medicine by 2022 and is now taking a further step towards the digital hospital: "With the CAIM, we are testifying to our will to proactively help shape technological developments."

AI innovation directly impacting healthcare delivery

The CAIM is a faculty centre of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern. Claudio Bassetti, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, on the objectives of the new centre: "By joining forces between medicine, engineering, research and industry, the CAIM will act as a catalyst, but also as an integrator, and decisively promote the necessary interdisciplinarity and translationality in the fields of digitalisation and AI." In recent years, the University of Bern, the Insel Group and the Faculty of Medicine have created several professorships in the fields of digitalisation and AI and have attracted internationally leading, highly accomplished specialists to Bern. "More will be added soon," Bassetti announces.

The fact that CAIM will develop digital technologies directly for and with the clinic is also emphasised by CAIM Director Raphael Sznitman: "The uniqueness of our centre is that we bring together computer scientists, biomedical engineers and clinical experts thanks to an integrated platform. In doing so, we are not starting from scratch, but already have experience in collaboration."

As a virtual centre, CAIM is intended to link researchers and users of AI in medicine even better. In education and training and in targeted project funding, CAIM will also ensure that local and national expertise grows and that research approaches are transformed into innovations for improved patient care. Special milestones in the fall will be the launch of a master's program in "AI in Medicine" and the first call for proposals for the "CAIM Research Fund" for research projects.

For more information on the new Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine here.

Research Insights: Researchers from the UPD, the University of Bern and the Inselspital will present current applications of AI technologies in medicine as well as Bernese research projects. A film shows how the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine is meeting the challenges of data-driven medicine and digital healthcare with AI-based technology solutions.

CAIM Director Raphael Sznitman is a leading expert at the intersection of medicine, artificial intelligence (AI) and engineering. Sznitman in interview.

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