International SQS certified

Many companies have the management systems of their branches abroad certified centrally by SQS. What prompts them to do this? The authors explain the considerations that underlie this certification model in practice.

International SQS certified




Since the turn of the millennium, the international orientation of Swiss companies has intensified even further - even in the SME segment. Companies are opening up new and emerging markets, optimising market access and customer proximity, and exploiting the opportunities offered by the global division of labour. Or they enter into partnerships and push new technologies in order to expand their market radius. All these developments also have an impact on the management systems used globally and the process management of all corporate units. Managing this change is made much easier by international certification from Switzerland.

The advantages of international certification from Switzerland
Three advantages are worth mentioning: Firstly, professional cross-border project management from a single source. This frees companies from time-consuming administrative, coordination and planning tasks. Secondly, the overall view of the company's organisation and processes exercised by SQS audit teams - both globally and locally. This is because the strategic priorities are known at first hand and can thus be checked accurately in local implementation. Thirdly, the reliability and many years of experience of SQS as a certification partner, including in international and global certifications.

The most important corner sizes
Essentially, there are five cornerstones that lead to international competence in the-


  • The account managers are more than just auditors. They are responsible for the successful project management of the certification, they are trained in project management and are easily accessible for customers.
  • The auditors deployed - usually permanent employees - can cover a wide range of products despite strict regulatory requirements. They have an above-average training workload. The audit teams can thus be kept small, fit and efficient. The auditors are not simply "inspectors in foreign lands", but act as sparring partners for the management. This is appreciated and brings added value to the client.
  • Despite the diversity of the certification standards used and the local requirements, the SQS service is agile. It reliably covers local market requirements and regulations, even where global process capability is required.
  • Through its membership of IQNet, the International Network for Certification, SQS achieves extended worldwide market recognition of its certificates and better market access where this is restricted. Its contact network of over 5,000 local auditors and technical experts worldwide makes it possible to adapt certification processes quickly and dynamically to changing requirements and regulations. This increases reliability and security for customers.
  • Auditor competence is based not only on auditing techniques, industry knowledge and management skills, but in particular on the continuous development of skills. Training programs therefore also address future developments driven by technological innovations, which influence and change customer behavior, organizational structures, processes and work models.


It is proven: Well-established, absolutely reliable certification mechanisms save the customer a lot of time. Be it in the preparation, in the internal communication with involved parties, in the verification and in the processing of deviations. The mutual understanding of the customer's corporate world enables efficient and motivating cooperation at eye level.

Cost-benefit ratio
Companies that manage their international presence according to this certification model have comprehensively weighed up its cost-benefit ratio. Greater planning preparation and the higher proportion of travel are part of this evaluation. The management accepts more travel expenses because it can draw direct benefit from well-rehearsed mechanisms, a higher level of initial knowledge about the management system on the part of the auditors and lower administrative expenses as a result of an integrated service from a single partner.


Necessary conditions

  • On the part of the companies: The prerequisite is always a functioning and effective management system that has achieved certification maturity - regardless of whether it is managed autonomously locally or as part of a global management system. The SQS audit process follows a proven standard, as the audit processes are subject to the same requirements in the vast majority of countries according to predefined criteria. There is the possibility of handling foreign sites as a separate organisation, i.e. in a separate certification. However, this solution is more expensive due to the higher control effort. It is therefore common practice to audit a foreign site as part of a globally managed management system and to include the site in the scope of the corresponding main certificate - including appendix. At the customer's request, this also opens up the cost-efficient opportunity of issuing a site-specific certificate, which is henceforth managed in accordance with the main certificate.
  • On the part of the certification body: A prerequisite for foreign audits is the availability of a team of auditors with the necessary skills. SQS covers the majority of international audits with its own auditors - supplemented on a case-by-case basis and in consultation with the client by auditors and technical experts from the IQNet network. This flexibility is extremely fruitful, as technical, cultural, legal and regulatory aspects, among others, have to be taken into account.
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