Electronic register of documents planned

In future, it should also be possible to create the original of a public document in electronic form. In addition, a central electronic register of deeds is to be created for their secure and long-term storage.

Register of documents, deed

Under current law, originals of public deeds must be produced as paper documents. The Federal Council is now proposing that in future the original of a public document may also be produced in electronic form. Based on the results of the consultation process, the Federal Council has dispensed with the obligation to produce originals in electronic form that was still envisaged in the preliminary draft. The draft law only regulates the principles for the creation of electronic public documents. The detailed implementing provisions are to be regulated at ordinance level, as the Federal Council recently announced.

Store e-originals in central register of documents

If the federal government has its way, the electronic originals of public documents should in future be stored in a central register of documents. The stored documents would be kept securely there. In addition, they would remain legible in the long term and any forgeries would be easy to prove. The central register of documents is to be operated by the Confederation. The cost of setting up and developing the system is estimated at CHF 10 million. Operation will cost around CHF 3 million per year and, after a start-up phase, will be financed through fees, according to the statement. 

At its meeting on 17 December 2021, the Federal Council took note of the results of the consultation on the bill on digital authentication and adopted the dispatch on the new Federal Act on Digitisation in the Notarial Profession (DNG) adopted for the attention of Parliament.

Source: Confederation


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