Health Insurance Ombudsman's Office: Susanne Müller Ineichen New Managing Director

On Nov. 24, 2022, the Board of Trustees of the Health Insurance Ombudsman Office elected Ms. Susanne Müller Ineichen as the new Managing Director of the Ombudsman Office, based in Lucerne. Ms. Müller Ineichen will take over the management of the ombudsman office on Aug. 1, 2023.

Susanne Müller Ineichen (Image: obs/Ombudsman Service Health Insurance)

At its meeting on November 24, 2022, the Board of Trustees of the Health Insurance Ombudsman's Office settled the succession of the previous Managing Director of the Ombudsman's Office in Lucerne, Ms. Morena Hostettler Socha, who is taking well-deserved retirement. In doing so, the Board of Trustees has elected Mrs. Susanne Müller Ineichen, born 1968, from Rothenburg (LU), as the new ombudswoman. Ms. Müller Ineichen is a lawyer and has been with the ombudsman's office since February 2019. At the beginning of 2021, Ms. Müller Ineichen was elected deputy to the previous post holder. She will take up her position as the new executive director on August 1, 2023.

The main task of the Ombudsman Foundation is to resolve misunderstandings between insured persons and insurers and to mediate solutions in the event of disagreements. Its jurisdiction extends to both the compulsory health insurance (OKP) and the supplementary medical expenses and daily sickness allowance insurances operated by the health insurers of their partner companies. The aim of its activities is to help insured persons solve their problems with insurers free of charge and in an unbureaucratic manner and to avoid legal proceedings. The ombudsman's office is active throughout Switzerland.

The designated new Managing Director Susanne Müller Ineichen worked as a clerk at the District Court of Lucerne and the Administrative Court of the Canton of Lucerne after completing her studies and training as a lawyer. Subsequently, she worked for several years in the legal services of Concordia Health Insurance, SUVA and CSS Health Insurance. One focus of her work was the area of data protection. In addition to numerous further training courses, Ms. Müller Ineichen also completed the health insurance specialist course of santésuisse and obtained the corresponding professional certificate in 2021.

Source: Health Insurance Ombudsman Office

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