Hannes "soundet" agile

The times are digital and agile. Hannes has to get through this, the company does not want to lose touch (at least in the declared external view).

Hannes "soundet" agile



Hannes accompanies the agile project
First, the HR department is set up to be agile on a trial basis. The order is literally that the said HR department "agilizes" itself as a pilot project. Hannes will eventually implement this project in the production department as well and is thus part of the SBC (Sounding Board Committee), which has to report back to the piloting department on how the agilization is working. Although the brief is clear: you have to do it. And the CEO has already said how they have to do it. There is indeed little to "sound", but process is process. You just "sound" until it suits the boss.


Not that Hannes feels useless - after all, he has a politically confirming function. But in hiding, the question of meaning does spill over a little. But there is no time for that now. The process has to be started.


"We're a great team and already totally agile."


The HR department holds a workshop to kick things off. The undisputed fact is that "agile" means flexible. Inexplicably, the opinion also prevails that "agile" also means "no-more-thinking-through-but-simply-doing-it".

How "agile" works
Everything is perfectly prescribed. This way of working, by the way, is also the internalized attitude of HR leadership. "Prescribe what people have to do so they know what to do and how to do it." But how does this fit with the new agility? In the internal workshop, this is discussed: Agile now means no longer saying everything you think, then having it implemented, only to have it sanctioned at the end anyway.


Still another says it's not even possible for HRM to be agile. "It's all predetermined anyway." The next one throws into the round: "We are a great team and already totally agile." The keywords end up in the boarding protocol, which Hannes now has to round up.


Hannes thinks about how the workshop and the statements affect him. He cannot ask the credibility question of a process that is not congruent in itself. He therefore decides to limit himself to the feedback "seems professional and linguistically absolutely understandable". Nevertheless, Hannes reads literature on the subject and begins to ask himself whether everyone really understood everything.


Because he himself no longer understands the world. He starts to think disruptively, questions the whole "now-we-just-do-everything-agile-and-don't-change-anything" and is glad that agile is basically translated as flexible. An agile target image means, for example, that one agrees sometimes here and sometimes there, or perhaps not after all, which benefit the customer has.


Somehow "agile" does not let him go. He begins to sounden himself and completely loses the inner grip, which is now valid. NOW Hannes has probably arrived in the agile age himself ...




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